Db2 reference

This topic lists the configurable parameters and their default values for the Db2 Community Edition Version deployment on OCP. It also contains sample code for the create_database.sh script.

Configurable parameters and default values for Db2 Community Edition (on OCP)

The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values for Db2 Community Edition.
Table 1. Db 2 configurable parameters and default values
Parameter Description  
dedicated Enforce that Db2 is scheduled on worker nodes that haved been labeled and tainted with icp4data=${value}. Use with option global.nodeLabel.value below. true
subType Database subtype can be either [smp, mpp] for db2wh. For db2oltp, the subtype is smp. smp
arch The helm chart will try to detect the architecture based on the controller node. Choose an explicit architecture here to overwrite it. x86_64
mln.total The total number of MLNs to be used and evenly spread out to the number of worker nodes. 1
global.dbType Database type can be either [db2wh, db2oltp] db2oltp
global.nodeLabel.value Value for the node label in order to deploy Db2 on a dedicated node. The node must be labeled and tainted with icp4data=${value}  
images.universalTag The tag specified here will be used by all images except those that explicitly specify a tag. latest
images.pullPolicy Always, Never, or IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always IfNotPresent
images.auth.image.tag The tag for the version of the LDAP authentication container
images.auth.image.repository The container is deployed to serve as an LDAP server for database authentication if ldap.enabled is true and no ldap server is not specified icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/db2u.auxiliary.auth
images.rest.image.tag The container tag that is used to pull the version of the rest container.
images.rest.image.repository The REST container image, which is used to perform host the REST sever icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/db2u.rest
images.etcd.image.tag The etcd conatiner tag that used to pull the version of the needed container. 3.3.10-56
images.etcd.image.repository The etcd container is used in MPP configurations to automate the failover of MPP nodes icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/etcd
images.instdb.image.tag The container tag that is used to pull the version of the Database and instance payload container
images.instdb.image.repository This container carries the payload required to restore a database and instance into a newly deployed release. icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/db2u.instdb
images.db2u.replicas The number of Db2 Warehouse pods that will serve the database. Replica count of 1 signifies SMP and 2 and more is an MPP configuration. 1
images.db2u.image.tag The container tag that is used to pull the version of Db2 Warehouse main engine container.
images.db2u.image.repository The main database engine for the Db2 Warehouse release icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/db2u
images.tools.image.tag The container tag that is used to pull the version of the tools container.
images.tools.image.repository The tools container image, which is used to perform outside of the engine operations icr.io/obs/hdm/db2u/db2u.tools
database.name The name of the database. Defaults to BLUDB BLUDB
database.pageSize The default database page size. Defaults to 32768. 32768
database.bluadminPwd Password for the LDAP database administrator which is the main LDAP user  
database.codeset The default database codeset. Defaults to UTF-8. UTF-8
database.collation The default database collation sequence. Defaults to IDENTITY. IDENTITY
database.territory The default database territory. Defaults to US. US
storage.storageClassName Choose a specific storage class name to use during deployment. A storage class offers the foundation for dynamic provisioning.  
storage.existingClaimName Name of an existing Persistent Volume Claim that references a Persistent Volume  
storage.useDynamicProvisioning If dynamic provisioning is available in the cluster this option will automatically provision the requested volume if set to true. False
instance.db2Support4K Db2 supports storage devices that use a 4KB sector size in production environments. Default to false. False
limit.cpu CPU cores limit to apply to Db2. Db2 won't be able to exceed the provided value. 2
limit.memory Memory limit to apply to Db2. Db2 won't be able to exceed the provided value. 4.3Gi

Sample code for the create_database.sh script

When setting up a Db2 database for the application discovery service on OCP, you have to copy and paste the following code into the create_database.sh script.

#*  Copyright © Aricent Holdings Luxembourg S.a.r.l. 2020.  All rights reserved.
#////////////////////////////// End Standard Header /////////////////////////////*/  

############### Begin Standard Header - Do not add comments here ###############
# File:     %W%
# Version:  %I%
# Modified: %G% %U%
# Build:    %R% %L%
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# Restricted Materials of IBM
# 5724-N55
# (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 2007, 2011.  All Rights Reserved.
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
############################# End Standard Header ############################## 

# set -x

if test -z "$1"
    echo "Usage: $0 <database_name>"
    exit 1

tune_db_noauto() {
echo "SUCCESS: Create database $1 completed."
db2 <<EOF
connect to $1
alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP SIZE 240000
create bufferpool BUF8K immediate size 384 pagesize 8k
create bufferpool BUF32K immediate size 384 pagesize 32k
connect reset

connect to $1
create tablespace userspace2 pagesize 32k managed by system using ('usercont2') bufferpool BUF32K
create large tablespace largespace2 pagesize 32k managed by database using (file 'largedata' 2560) bufferpool BUF32K
create system temporary tablespace largetemp2 pagesize 32k managed by system using ('systemp2') bufferpool BUF32K

create tablespace USERSPACE3 pagesize 8k managed by system using ('usercont3') bufferpool BUF8K

alter bufferpool BUF8K SIZE 40000
alter bufferpool BUF32K SIZE 8000

update db cfg using LOGFILSIZ 8192
update db cfg using LOGBUFSZ 1024
update db cfg using LOGPRIMARY 12
update db cfg using LOGSECOND 40
update db cfg using CATALOGCACHE_SZ 4000
update db cfg using PCKCACHESZ 4096
update db cfg using AVG_APPLS 3
update db cfg using NUM_IOCLEANERS automatic
update db cfg using NUM_IOSERVERS 10
update db cfg using DFT_DEGREE ANY
update db cfg using APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 4000
update db cfg using MAXLOCKS 35 LOCKLIST 20000
update db cfg using SHEAPTHRES_SHR MANUAL SORTHEAP 8000
update db cfg using AUTO_MAINT OFF
update db cfg using UTIL_HEAP_SZ 8000
update db cfg using DBHEAP 8000
update db cfg using APPLHEAPSZ 2000
disconnect $1

tune_db_auto() {
echo "SUCCESS: Create database $1 completed."
if test "$version" -ne "9" 

db2 connect to $1

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=240000; fi
db2 alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP SIZE $PARAM_VAL

db2 <<EOF
create bufferpool BUF8K immediate size 384 pagesize 8k
create bufferpool BUF32K immediate size 384 pagesize 32k
connect reset

connect to $1
create tablespace userspace2 pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage bufferpool BUF32K
create large tablespace largespace2 pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage  bufferpool BUF32K
create system temporary tablespace largetemp2 pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage bufferpool BUF32K
create tablespace USERSPACE3 pagesize 8k managed by automatic storage bufferpool BUF8K

update db cfg using LOGFILSIZ 8192
update db cfg using LOGBUFSZ 1024
update db cfg using LOGPRIMARY 12
update db cfg using LOGSECOND 40
update db cfg using CATALOGCACHE_SZ 4000
update db cfg using PCKCACHESZ 4096
update db cfg using AVG_APPLS 3
update db cfg using NUM_IOCLEANERS automatic
update db cfg using NUM_IOSERVERS 10
update db cfg using DFT_DEGREE ANY
update db cfg using APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 4000
update db cfg using MAXLOCKS 35 LOCKLIST 20000
update db cfg using AUTO_MAINT OFF


if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=40000; fi
db2 alter bufferpool BUF8K SIZE $PARAM_VAL

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=8000; fi
db2 alter bufferpool BUF32K SIZE $PARAM_VAL 

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]
  db2 update db cfg using SHEAPTHRES_SHR MANUAL SORTHEAP 8000

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=8000; fi
db2 update db cfg using UTIL_HEAP_SZ $PARAM_VAL

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=8000; fi
db2 update db cfg using DBHEAP $PARAM_VAL

if [ -z "$USE_AUTOMATIC" ]; then PARAM_VAL=2000; fi
db2 update db cfg using APPLHEAPSZ $PARAM_VAL

db2 disconnect $1
db2 quit

echo ""
echo "-------------------$1 Instance Created Successfully----------------------"
echo ""

db2set -immediate DB2_SELECTIVITY=DSCC 2>&1 >/dev/null || db2set DB2_SELECTIVITY=DSCC

db2cfexp /tmp/db2cfg.$$ maintain
output=`cat /tmp/db2cfg.$$ | grep -i "^\[DB>.*:$1\]"`
rm -f /tmp/db2cfg.$$

# Get db2 version from db2cfexp command. Donot use db2level because
# output could be translated
db2cfexp /tmp/db2cfg.$$ maintain
version_str=`cat /tmp/db2cfg.$$ | grep "APPLICATION=" | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "DB2 version $version_str"

# Check if db already exists
dbName=`db2 list db directory | grep "Database name" | awk '{print $4}' | grep -w -i $1`
dbName=`echo $dbName | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
userDbName=`echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ "$userDbName" = "$dbName" ]
  echo ""
  echo "INFO: Database with same name $1 already exists."
  exit 3

release=`echo $version_str | cut -c 3`
version=`echo $version_str | cut -c 1`
rm -f /tmp/db2cfg.$$

if test "$version" -eq 9 -a "$release" -eq 8 -o "$version" -eq 0 -a "$release" -eq 1 -o "$version" -eq 0 -a "$release" -eq 5 -o "$version" -eq 1 -a "$release" -eq 1 -o "$version" -eq 1 -a "$release" -eq  5
   db2 create db $1 using codeset UTF8 territory US
   if test "$?" -eq 0
      tune_db_auto $1
     echo "ERROR: Create database $1 failed."
     exit 2
   if test "$version" -eq 9
      db2 create db $1 automatic storage no using codeset UTF8 territory US
      if test "$?" -eq 0
         tune_db_noauto $1
        echo "ERROR: Create database $1 failed."
        exit 2
      echo "Unsupported DB2 version $version_str"
      exit 1