Save and publish a runbook

Creating a runbook involves documenting complex steps. These steps must be reviewed and tested before you can publish the runbook for use in production.

After a runbook is published and used in production, you might improve it based on the feedback that you receive from comments, success rate, and ratings. The runbook editor provides the following actions:

Cancel closes the runbook editor without saving any changes.
Save as
Use this action to save a copy of the runbook using a different runbook name.
Save draft
Save draft saves the updates that are added. The editor remains open. Save draft is useful if you are editing a runbook and you want to take a break and continue later. Or you just want to save your changes as you go.
Save draft & close
Save draft & close saves your changes and closes the editor. You use this option if you need to work on a different item.
This button is only available if the approval process has been deactivated. You can publish a runbook if you are an RBA Approver.
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
Removed RBA link
After a runbook has been published it can be used by all operators in a production environment.
Submit for Approval
This button is only available if the approval process is enabled.
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
Removed RBA link