Configuring IBM UrbanCode Deploy as an event source

You can set up an integration with Netcool® Operations Insight® to receive notifications created by IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy. IBM UrbanCode Deploy is a tool for automating application deployments through your environments. It facilitates rapid feedback and continuous delivery in agile development, while providing the audit trails, versioning, and approvals needed in production. Emails are sent to Netcool Operations Insight as events.

Before you begin

You must have a docker account.
The following event types are supported for this integration:
  • IBM UrbanCode Deploy email notifications

About this task

IBM UrbanCode Deploy sends email notifications when user-defined trigger events occur on the server. You must configure the email probe container to retrieve emails from the email account and perform the normalization. After the normalization, the probe will send the events to event management.


  1. Click Administration > Integrations with other systems.
  2. Click New integration.
  3. Go to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy tile and click Configure.
  4. Enter a name for the integration.
  5. Click Download file to download and decompress the file.
    Important: The download file contains credential information and should be stored in a secure location.
  6. Extract the package into a docker environment where docker and docker compose are installed.
    1. In the location where you extracted the download package, identify the file interfaces.http.
    2. Edit interfaces.http and find the line that reads as follows:
      "hostname" : "netcool-release_name.ingress_fqdn/normlundefined"
    3. Modify this line to read as follows:
      "hostname" : "netcool-release_name.ingress_fqdn/norml"
  7. Grant execution rights to, for example chmod 755
  8. Go to to read the description and then click Proceed to checkout. Enter the required contact information and click Get Content.
  9. Run docker login in your docker environment.
  10. Uncomment LICENSE=accept in probe.env to accept the license agreement.
  11. Update probe.env to populate EMAIL_SERVER_HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD, and FILTER.
    • EMAIL_SERVER_HOSTNAME is used to specify the email server hostname, such as
    • USERNAME is used to specify the user name of the email account.
    • PASSWORD is used to specify the plain password to access the email account. The plain password will be encrypted when the container is running. Note: do not set a password that starts with ENCRYPTED as this keyword is used to determine whether it is a plain or encrypted password.
    • FILTER is used to specify the UCD sender email address. The sender email address can be found in UCD Home > Settings > System Settings > Mail Server Settings > Mail Server Sender Address.
    • Optionally, you can update POLLINTERVAL to specify the frequency in seconds for the probe to retrieve new emails. The default value is 600 seconds.
  12. Run docker-compose up to start the probe.
    1. The probe only connects to the IMAP mail server over a TLS connection so the email server must have a valid certificate.
    2. The probe only supports the default UCD notification template.
    3. The probe deletes emails from the mail server after retrieving them.
    4. For the probe to run smoothly, avoid updating other probe properties in email.props.
    Unsupported Events

    There are four mandatory normalized fields required to publish an event in Netcool Operations Insight. The attributes are Resource Name, Summary, Event Type and Severity. If an Unknown - <cause> error is displayed for any of these fields, you will need to update the UCD email notification template. This might happen if you have used a custom notification template.

    The following table contains some error messages, possible causes and resolutions.
    Table 1. Mandatory CEM field error messages
    Normalized Field Messages Possible Causes Resolutions
    Summary Unknown - Missing the Subject field in UCD email. Missing the Subject field in UCD email. Update the notification template to add Subject field.
    Resource Name Unknown - Missing the expected format of Application name in UCD email. The Application field in the UCD email is not following the format in default email notification template. Follow the exact format used in the default notification templates.
    Resource Name Unknown - Missing the expected format of Process name in UCD email. The Process field in the UCD email is not following the format in default email notification template. Follow the exact format used in the default notification templates.
    Resource Name Unknown - Missing the Application or Process name in UCD email. Missing the Application or Process field in UCD email. Update the notification template to add Application or Process field.
    Event Type Unknown - Missing the keyword of Process or Approval at the Subject field in UCD email to indicate the event type. Missing the keyword of Process or Approval at the Subject field in UCD email to indicate the event type. Update the notification template to add keyword of Process or Approval at the Subject field.
  13. To start receiving alert notifications from IBM UrbanCode Deploy, verify that Enable event management from this source is set to On..
If you feel that the current webhook URL for the email probe has been compromised in some way, you can download the email probe zip file again to regenerate the webhook. This invalidates the existing webhook URL and replaces it with a new one. In this scenario, you must repeat the configuration steps to save the zip file in a docker environment and rerun docker compose to start the email probe with new webhook.