Postinstallation setup and verification

Follow these steps to add the necessary roles to your user, and to verify that your hybrid installation is working.


  1. Log in to your on premises DASH web application. If you used the default root location (/ibm/console) and the default secure port (16311), then the URL is in the following format https://<dash_host>:16311/ibm/console.jsp.
  2. Trust the certificate for the cloud native components deployment server.
    The first time that you log in to your Operations Management installation after you configure your hybrid deployment, you are presented with an extra security screen. Trust the certificate from the cloud native components server to enable on-premises Dashboard Application Services Hub to authenticate with it.
  3. Add extra roles for your user.
    1. Select Console Settings->User Roles->Search. Select your user from the ones listed in Available Users.
    2. Add these roles to each user who requires access to the UI: noi_lead, noi_engineer, and noi_operator
    3. Log out and back in again.
  4. Go to Console Settings -> Console Integration and verify that an integration with a Console Integration Name of Cloud Analytics is present.
  5. (Optional) Verify that the Insights->Cloud Analytics->Manage Policies option is showing on the UI.
  6. (Optional) Verify that OAuth authentication between the cloud native components deployment and Operations Management is working.
    1. From the cloud native components deployment cluster, issue a CURL command to get an access token from your on-premises installation.
      curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=password&client_id=client-id&client_secret=client-secret&username=user&password=pass" https://host.domain:16311/oauth2/endpoint/NetcoolOAuthProvider/token | sed -e 's/[{}\,]/\n/g'
      • client_id is the value of client_id in secret release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets. If this value is not known, it can be retrieved by using kubectl get secrets release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets -o json -n default | jq -r ".data[\"client-id\"]" | base64 -d -- where release_name is the name of the cloud native components custom resource.
      • client_secret is the value of client_secret in secret release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets. If this value is not known, it can be retrieved by using kubectl get secrets release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets -o json -n default | jq -r ".data[\"client-secret\"]" | base64 -d -- where release_name is the name of the cloud native components custom resource.
      • user is the DASH administrator username.
      • pass is the DASH administrator password.
      • host.domain is the fully qualified hostname of the Jazz®® for Service Management application server.
      $ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=password&client_id=my-client-id&client_secret=my-client-secret&username=smadmin&password=password" https://testserver1.test:16311/oauth2/endpoint/NetcoolOAuthProvider/token | sed -e 's/[{}\,]/\n/g'
        "access_token": "AccessTokenExample",
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "scope": "",
        "refresh_token": "RefreshTokenExample"
    2. From your cloud native components cluster, verify that access to the on-premises installation is authorized with the access token that was returned in the previous step.
      curl -k -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" https://host.domain:16311/ibm/console/dashauth/DASHUserAuthServlet
      • access_token is the value of access_token, as returned in the previous step.
      • host.domain is the fully qualified hostname of the Jazz® for Service Management application server.
      $ curl -k -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer AccessTokenExample"'
        "user": {
          "firstname": "smadmin",
          "surname": "smadmin",
          "roles": [
          "id": "smadmin",
          "username": "uid=smadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"
  7. Open the Event Viewer.
    A new view that is called Example_IBM_CloudAnalytics has been created on your on-premises installation, with three columns: GroupingSeasonal, and Topology.