Installing the Network Manager Insight Pack

This topic explains how to install the Network Manager Insight® Pack into the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis product and make the necessary configurations. The Network Manager Insight Pack is required only if you deploy the Networks for Operations Insight feature and want to use the topology search capability. Operations Analytics - Log Analysis can be running while you install the Insight Pack.

Before you begin

For more information, see Network Manager Insight Pack.

You already completed some of these prerequisites when you installed the Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus Insight Pack. See Installing the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack for more details.
  • Install the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis product. For upgrades, migrate the data from previous instances of the product.
  • Ensure that the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack is installed before a data source is created. For more information, see Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack.
  • Download the Network Manager Insight Pack from IBM Passport Advantage®. The Insight Pack image is contained within the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis download, see information about Event Search integration and Topology Search integration in The file name of the Insight Pack is
  • Install Python 2.6 or later with the simplejson library, which is required by the custom apps that are included in the Insight Pack.
  • Over large network topologies, the topology search can be performance intensive. It is therefore important to determine which parts of your network you want to use the topology search on. You can define those parts of the network into a single domain. Alternatively, implement the cross-domain discovery function in Network Manager IP Edition to create a single aggregation domain of the domains that you want to search. You can restrict the scope of the topology search to that domain or aggregation domain. To do so, set the ncp.dla.ncim.domain property to the name of the domain. If you still anticipate a detrimental impact on performance, you can also set the ncp.spf.multipath.maxLinks property. This property sets a threshold on the number of links that are processed when the paths between the two end points are retrieved. If the threshold number is breached, only the first identified route between the two end points is retrieved. Make these settings in step Installing the Network Manager Insight Pack of this task. For more information about deploying Network Manager IP Edition to monitor networks of small, medium, and larger networks, see link. For more information about the cross-domain discovery function, see link.
  • Obtain the details of the NCIM database that is used to store the network topology for the Network Manager IP Edition product.


  1. Copy the installation package to $UNITY_HOME/unity_content.
    Tip: For better housekeeping, create a new $UNITY_HOME/unity_content/NetworkManager directory and copy the installation package there.
  2. Use the $UNITY_HOME/utilities/ command to install the Insight Pack.
    For example, to install into $UNITY_HOME/unity_content/NetworkManager, run the command as follows:
    $UNITY_HOME/utilities/ -install $UNITY_HOME/unity_content//
  3. In $UNITY_HOME/AppFramework/Apps/NetworkManagerInsightPack_V1.3.0.0/Network_Topology_Search/, specify the details of the NCIM database.
    Tip: You can obtain most of the information that is required from the $NCHOME/etc/precision/DbLogins.cfg or DbLogins.DOMAIN.cfg files (where DOMAIN is the name of the domain).
    Limits the scope of the topology search capability to a single domain in your topology. For multiple domains, implement the cross-domain discovery function in Network Manager IP Edition and specify the name of the aggregation domain. For all domains in the topology, comment out this property. Do not leave it blank.
    Sets a limit on the number of links that are processed when the paths between the two end points are retrieved. If the number of links exceeds the limit, only the first identified path is returned. For example, you specify ncp.spf.multipath.maxLinks = 1000. If 999 links are processed, all paths between the two end points are retrieved. If 1001 links are processed, one path is calculated and then processing stops.
    The type of database used to store the Network Manager IP Edition topology. Possible values are db2 or oracle.
    The database driver. For Db2®, type For Oracle, type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.
    The database URL. For Db2, the URL is as follows:
    For Oracle the URL is as follows:
    In each case, host is the database hostname, port is the port number, and name is the database name, for example, NCIM.
    Type the NCIM database schema name. The default is ncim.
    Type the NCPGUI database schema name. The default is ncpgui.
    Type the database user name.
    Type the database password.
    If the password is encrypted, type true. If not, type false.
    Type the name of and path to the cryptographic key file, for example $UNITY_HOME/wlp/usr/servers/Unity/keystore/unity.ks.
    Change the number of seconds until the login times out, if required.

    Optionally change the logging information, which is specified by the java.util.logging.* properties.


  • The NetworkManagerInsightPack_V1.3.0.0 Insight Pack is installed into the directory that you selected in step 2.
  • The Rule Set, Source Type, and Collection are in place. You can view these resources in the Administrative Settings page of Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.

What to do next