Configuring load balancing for on-premises WebGUI or Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes with Db2

High availability icon Learn how to configure load balancing for the on-premises IBM® Netcool®/OMNIbus WebGUI or Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes in a hybrid high availability disaster recovery (HADR) deployment, where there is more than one on-premises WebGUI node.

About this task

The on-premises WebGUI or DASH servers must be set up with load balancing by using an HTTP Server that balances the UI load. If you do not already have load balancing configured for your on-premises WebGUI or DASH nodes, then follow the steps listed in the procedure.

If you want to configure load balancing or high availability (HA) with ObjectServer as the database, see Configuring load balancing with the ObjectServer


  1. Install Db2®.
    If you do not have a Db2 instance, install it on one of your on-premises servers. For more information, see Downloading and installing the DB2® server external icon in the IBM Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus documentation.
  2. Install IBM HTTP Server.
    If you do not have an IBM HTTP Server, then install it on one of your on-premises servers. For more information, see Installing, updating, rolling back, and uninstalling IBM HTTP Server external icon in the IBM HTTP Server documentation.
  3. Note: Server and cluster certificates need to be regenerated manually when certificates expire or when root Certificate Authority (CA) or intermediate CA certificates are refreshed. For more information, see Certificate rotation.
    Configure WebSphere® certificates. For more information, see Creating signed WebSphere Application Server certificates.
  4. Configure single sign-on for the DASH servers.
    Export the LPTA keys from the first DASH server, and then import them on to the other DASH server(s). For more information, see Supporting procedures for single sign-on external icon in the Netcool/OMNIbus documentation.
  5. Create a database to manage load balancing, and then enable WebSphere to connect to the database.
    Create a database in Db2, and then from DASH, click Console Settings > WebSphere Administrative console > Launch WebSphere Administrative console, and then Resources > JDBC > JDBC providers and add an entry for Db2. For more information, see Setting up a load balanced cluster external icon in the Jazz® for Service Management documentation.
  6. Create a WebSphere datasource to enable connection to the load-balancing Db2 database:
    In DASH, click Console Settings > WebSphere Administrative console > WebSphere Administrative console, and then Resources > JDBC > Data Sources and add an entry for the load balancing Db2 database that you created.
  7. Create a key database for IBM HTTP Server to store keys and certificates in.
    • cd /space/ibm/netcool/httpserver/bin
      ./gskcapicmd -keydb -create -db ~/http-server-keys -pw WebAS -stash
      For more information, see Creating a new key database using the command-line interface external icon in the IBM HTTP Server documentation.
    • Add root CA cert to the IBM HTTP Server keystore.
      ./gskcmd -cert -add -db ~/http-server-keys.kdb -pw WebAS -file ~/root-ca.pem -label root-ca
    • Add intermediate cert to the IBM HTTP Server keystore.
      ./gskcmd -cert -add -db ~/http-server-keys.kdb -pw WebAS -file ~/intermediate-ca.pem -label intermediate
    • Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
      ./gskcapicmd -certreq -create -db ~/http-server-keys.kdb -pw WebAS -dn "C=GB,ST=England,O=IBM,OU=HDM," -size 2048 -file ~/http-server-lb.csr -label http-server-lb
    • Sign the CSR with your intermediate cert to create http-server-lb.crt.
    • Add the signed cert to the IBM HTTP Server keystore.
      ./gskcmd -cert -receive -file ~/http-server-lb.crt -db ~/http-server-keys.kdb -pw WebAS
    • Assign the root CA certificate to be the default certificate. For more information, see Creating a self-signed certificate external icon in the IBM HTTP server documentation. Alternatively, the user can use the ikeyman utility provided with IBM HTTP server to assign the root CA certificate as the default
    Note: Server and cluster certificates need to be regenerated manually when certificates expire or when root Certificate Authority (CA) or intermediate CA certificates are refreshed. For more information, see Certificate rotation.
  8. Configure SSL for IBM HTTP server
    Locate the line # End of example SSL configuration in HTTP_server_install_dir/conf/httpd.conf, and then append the following, ensuring that your KeyFile and SSLStashfile values reference the key database file that you created for IBM HTTP Server.
    # End of example SSL configuration
    LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
    Listen 443
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
    ErrorLog "/home/test/sslerror.log"
    TransferLog "/home/test/sslaccess.log"
    KeyFile "/home/test/http-server-keys.kdb"
    SSLStashfile "/home/test/http-server-keys.sth"
  9. Tell IBM HTTP Server where the plugin-cfg.xml will be
    Add the following to the end of HTTP_server_install_dir/conf/httpd.conf
    LoadModule was_ap22_module "HTTP_server_install_dir/bin/64bits/"
    WebSpherePluginConfig "HTTP_server_install_dir/config/plugin-cfg.xml"
  10. Configure the WebSphere Application Server plugin for IBM HTTP Server.
    Generate plugin-cfg.xml, and copy it to your IBM HTTP Server installation.
    cp /space/ibm/netcool/jazz/profile/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml HTTP_web_server_install_dir/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Edit plugin-cfg.xml to point to your key store and stashfile (http-server-keys.kdb and http-server-keys.sth), and add entries for each of your DASH servers. For more information, see Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file external icon in the Jazz for Service Management documentation.
  11. Edit HTTP_web_server_install_dir/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Find the section called <UriGroup Name="server1_Cluster_URIs"> and append this line:
    <Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID_ibm_console_16310" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/oauth2/*"/>
  12. Start the HTTP Server
    HTTP_web_server_install_dir/bin/apachectl start
  13. Stop and restart the Jazz for Service Management application server
    cd JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin
    ./ server1 -username smadmin -password password
    ./ server1
    where JazzSM_WAS_Profile is the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This is usually /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
  14. Stop secondary DASH nodes and run the following command on the primary DASH node:
    <JazzSM_Home>/ui/bin/ ForceHAUpdate --username <smadmin_user> --password <smadmin_password>
    Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
    Nov 2020 Additional step #7918 and #7660


When you have load balancing correctly configured, you are able to access DASH without providing a port in the URL, for example: https://http_server_hostname/ibm/console.
Verify that the DASH nodes are Active and InSync. Run the following command from one of the DASH servers:
_ui/bin/ ListHANodes --username --password 
Where the admin user name is smadmin by default.
If the listed nodes are not Active and InSync, run the following command: ForceHAUpdate --username --password 
Check the load balanced setup. Check that the NODES table in the Db2 database associated with the jdbc/tipds data source, contains all HA nodes. Also check that the request sent to the load balancer returns all servers in the load balanced setup. Run the following command as an smadmin user:
curl --insecure -X GET -v "https://<load-balancer-host>:<port>/ISCHA/NotificationServlet?username=smadmin&password=<smadmin-password>&listHANodes=truejsp"
Where values for your <load-balancer-host> and <port> are specified for your load balancer and <smadmin-password> is the password for the smadmin user.