Configuring Oracle database connection within Netcool/Impact

You can configure a connection to a valid Oracle database from within IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact.

Before you begin

In Netcool/Impact and later releases, it is recommended to use the Event Analytics configuration wizard instead of the ./nci_trigger command to edit properties in the NOI Shared Configuration properties file. For more information, see Configuring Event Analytics using the wizard.

To use Oracle as the archive database, you must set up a remote connection to Netcool/Impact.

About this task

Users can run seasonality event reports and related event configurations, specifying the time range and name with Oracle. Complete the following steps to configure the ObjectServer data source or data type.


  1. Log in to the Netcool/Impact UI.
  2. Configure the ObjectServer data source and data type.
    1. In the Netcool/Impact UI, from the list of available projects, select the NOI project.
    2. Select the Data Model tab, and select ObjectServerForNOI.
      1. Click Edit and enter information for <username>, <password>, <host name>, and <port>.
      2. Save the Netcool/Impact data source. Click Test Connection, followed by the Save icon.
    3. Edit the data type. Expand the data source ObjectServerForNOI and edit the data type to correspond to the ObjectServer event history database type.
      For example, AlertsForNOITable.
    4. For Base Table, select <database table>.
    5. To update the schema and table, click Refresh and then click Save.
    6. Select the Data Model tab, and select ObjectServerHistoryOrclForNOI.
      1. Click Edit and enter information for <username>, <password>, <host name>, <port>, and <sid>.
      2. Save the Netcool/Impact data source. Click Test Connection, followed by the Save icon.
    7. Edit the data type. Expand the data source ObjectServerHistoryOrclForNOI and edit the AlertsHistoryOrclTable data type.
    8. For Base Table, select <database name> and <database table name>.
    9. To update the schema and table, click Refresh and then click Save.
    10. Edit the data type. Expand the data source ObjectServerHistoryOrclForNOI and edit the SE_HISTORICALEVENTS_ORACLE data type.
    11. For Base Table, select <database name> and <database table name>.
    12. To update the schema and table, click Refresh and then click Save.
    13. Select the Services tab and ensure that following services are started:
      • ProcessRelatedEvents
      • ProcessSeasonalityEvents
      • ProcessRelatedEventConfig
  3. Configure the report generation to use the Oracle database. Export the default properties, change the default configuration, and update the properties.
    1. Generate a properties file. Go to the <Impact install location>/bin directory to locate the nci_trigger utility, and run the following command from the command-line interface:
      nci_trigger <server> <username>/<password> NOI_DefaultValues_Export
       FILENAME directory/filename
      The server where Event Analytics is installed.
      <user name>
      The user name of the Event Analytics user.
      The password of the Event Analytics user.
      The directory where the properties file is stored.
      The name of the properties file.
      For example:
      ./nci_trigger NCI impactadmin/impactpass NOI_DefaultValues_Export
       FILENAME /tmp/seasonality.props
    2. You need to modify the property values that are overwritten by the generated properties file. For a full list of properties, see Generated properties file.
      • If you do not have the following values for these properties, update your properties file to reflect these property values:
        history_database_table=<database table name>
      • Enter the following value, which is the Oracle database timestamp format from the policy, to the history_db_timestampformat property:

        history_db_timestampformat=yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss
        Note: The history_db_timestampformat property delivers with the properties file with a default value of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. This default timestamp format for the history_db_timestampformat property does not work with Oracle. Thus, you need to perform the previous step to change the default value to the Oracle database timestamp format from the policy (yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss).
    3. Import the modified properties file into Netcool/Impact using the following command:
      nci_trigger <Server> <username>/<password> NOI_DefaultValues_Configure
       FILENAME directory/filename
      For example:
      ./nci_trigger NCI impactadmin/impactpass NOI_DefaultValues_Configure
       FILENAME /tmp/seasonality.props