Installing the integration kit

To create a hybrid installation, you must use IBM® Installation Manager to install the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit on your on-premises Operations Management installation.


  • The primary and backup ObjectServers are both running, and are listening on external IP addresses.
  • Installation Manager 1.9 or later can be run in GUI mode. If you are running an older version of Installation Manager, the following log error is displayed in the Installation Manager logs: Connection has been shutdown: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
  • On-premises Operations Management must be at the same version as Netcool® Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. For more information, see Solution Overview.
  • The cloud native components of Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform are successfully deployed.
Note: To support incident creation from the Alert Viewer, the IsInIncident column must exist in the IBM Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus alerts.status table. The IsInIncident column must also be visible in the Web GUI before the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit. is installed.
  • To verify that the IsInIncident column exists in the alerts.status table, run the following commands:
    $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user username -password password -server server_name
    describe alerts.status;
  • To verify that the IsInIncident column is present in Web GUI, go to Administration > Views and select the default global view. Check that the IsInIncident column is listed under available fields. The column doesn't need to be selected, but it must be listed.


Use the following steps to configure OAuth authentication between an on-premises Operations Management installation and a deployment of cloud native components on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. If you have more than one WebGUI/DASH node, then this procedure must be run on each WebGUI/DASH node.

  1. Use Installation Manager to install the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit.
    1. Start Installation Manager in GUI mode with the following commands.
      cd IM_dir/eclipse
      Where IM_dir is the Installation Manager Group installation directory, for example /home/netcool/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse.
    2. In Installation Manager, go to Preferences > Repositories > Repositories, and add the location for the cloud repository that was automatically created when you installed the cloud native components.Use the following command on your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure node to find the location of the repository, where namespace is the namespace in which your cloud native components are deployed:
      oc get routes -n namespace | grep repository
      This repository contains the integration kit package that is needed for your Operations Management on-premises installation. A repository example name is https://netcool-release_name.apps.fqdn/im/repository/repository.config. Select Apply and OK.
    3. From the main Installation Manager screen, select Install, and from the Install Packages window select Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit.
    4. Proceed through the windows, accept the license and the defaults, and enter the on-premises WebSphere® Application Server password.
    5. On the window OAuth 2.0 Configuration, set Redirect URL to the URL of your cloud native components deployment. This URL is https://netcool-release_name.apps.fqdn/users/api/authprovider/v1/was/return. Where
      • release_name is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (OLM UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
      • fqdn is the cluster FQDN.
    6. On the window OAuth 2.0 Configuration, set Client ID and Client Secret to the values that were set for them in the release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets secret, when you installed the cloud native components. Retrieve these values by running the following commands on your cloud native Netcool Operations Insight components deployment.
      oc get secret release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets -o json -n namespace| grep client-secret | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d '"' -f2 | base64 -d;echo
      oc get secret release_name-was-oauth-cnea-secrets -o json -n namespace | grep client-id | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d '"' -f2 | base64 -d;echo
      • release_name is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (OLM UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the or files (YAML view).
      • namespace is the name of the namespace in which the cloud native components are installed.
    7. Select Next and Install.
      Note: If an error similar to the following error is displayed, ensure that IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI is updated to the correct version.
      replaceXML doesn't support the "appendLine" attribute
      For more information, see Solution Overview.
      Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
      Note about Web GUI
  2. Restart Dashboard Application Services Hub on your Operations Management on-premises installation by using the following commands.
    cd JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin
    ./ server1 -username smadmin -password password
    ./ server1
    Where JazzSM_WAS_Profile is the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz® for Service Management. This location is usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/profile.
Draft comment: LOUISERoberts
#5029 #3315 This is documented in known issues, but its been requested that it be here too, due to likelihood of users hitting this defect.
After the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit. integration kit is installed, you are no longer be able to create Netcool/Impact connections by using the on-premises Dashboard Application Services Hub UI. If you need to configure a new connection, then you must do so by using the following procedure.
  1. Use the command line to configure the necessary connection. Run the following command on the on-premises WebGUI deployment.
    JazzSM_path/ui/bin/ putProvider -username smadmin -password password -provider "" -file input.txt
    • JazzSM_path is the name of the Jazz for Service Management installation, usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/.
    • password is the password for the smadmin administrative user.
    • host is the Impact server, for example:
    • input.txt has content similar to the following example (where host is the Impact server, for example
           "authUser": "impactuser",
           "authPassword": "netcool",
           "baseUrl": "https:\/\/\/ibm\/tivoli\/rest",
           "datasetsUri": "\/providers\/\/datasets",
           "datasourcesUri": "\/providers\/\/datasources",
           "description": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "externalProviderId": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "id": "",
           "label": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "remote": true,
           "sso": false,
           "type": "Impact_NCICLUSTER",
           "uri": "\/providers\/",
           "useFIPS": true
  2. Restart Dashboard Application Services Hub on your Operations Management on-premises installation by using the following command.
    <JazzSM_WAS_Profile>/bin/ server1 -user smadmin -password <smadmin_password>
    • <smadmin_password> is taken from the smadmin secret.
    • JazzSM_WAS_Profile is the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This location is usually /home/netcool/app/jazz/profile.
  3. Note: For a hybrid deployment, the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit must be installed in the WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5 installation. For more information, see Migrating from WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 to WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5.
    (Optional) If you are upgrading from WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 to WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5, complete this step. After the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit is installed, copy the following two files from the WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 installation to the WebSphere Application Server 9.0.5 installation.
    Restart the WebGUI server process after replacing the files.


If you want to uninstall the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit, then use Installation Manager.

  1. Start Installation Manager in GUI mode with the following commands.
    cd IM_dir/eclipse
    Where IM_dir is the Installation Manager Group installation directory, for example /home/netcool/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse.
  2. From the main Installation Manager screen, select Uninstall, and from Installed Packages select Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit and Uninstall.
  3. After the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit is uninstalled, cloud native components related columns, view, and groups are still displayed. If you want to remove these, then you must uninstall the cloud native components deployment, or change its integration point. This situation is because the removal of the Netcool Hybrid Deployment Option Integration Kit does not remove the WebGUI console integration, which is created by the deployment of the cloud native components.