consolecli - Charting Export options

Use the ChartExportPlugin consolecli command to export Dashboard Application Services Hub chart data.

Note: If you specify additional parameters for the consolecli.bat|.sh Export and make a typing error, that is, if you type a parameter incorrectly, or use the incorrect case, then the commands runs as if no parameters were specified and no warning message is displayed.
Export [--includeCharts ALL|NONE|dashboard_ID1,dashboard_ID2] --username dash_username --password dash_user_password
Table 1. ChartExportPlugin command arguments
Parameter and arguments Description
[--includeCharts ALL|NONE|dashboard_ID1,dashboard_ID2] Optional parameter. You can export all charts, no charts, or specify a list of charts to be exported. The default setting is ALL.
Note: If you run the Export command using the --includeCharts parameter, it must be run by the same user that started the Jazz for Service Management application server.
--username dash_username Mandatory parameter. The user name for a user with the chartAdministrator role.
--password dash_user_password Mandatory parameter. The password for the specified user name.