Installing Event Analytics (Console)

You can install Event Analytics with the IBM® Installation Manager console.

Before you begin

Obtain an IBM ID and an entitlement to download Event Analytics from IBM Passport Advantage®. The packages that you are entitled to install are listed in Installation Manager.

Take the following actions:
  • Determine which Installation Manager user mode you require.
  • Ensure that the necessary user permissions are in place for the installation directories.
  • Decide which features that you want to install from the installation packages and gather the information that is required for those features.
  • Configure localhost on the computer where Event Analytics is to be installed.

About this task

The steps for starting Installation Manager are different depending on which user mode you installed it in. The steps for completing the Event Analytics installation with the Installation Manager console are common to all user modes and operating systems.

Installation Manager takes account of your current umask settings when it sets the permissions mode of the files and directories that it installs. If you use Administrator mode or Non-administrator mode and your umask is 0, Installation Manager uses a umask of 22. If you use Group mode, Installation Manager ignores any group bits that are set and uses a umask of 2 if the resulting value is 0.


  1. Change to the /eclipse/tools subdirectory of the Installation Manager installation directory.
  2. Use the following command to start Installation Manager:
    • ./imcl -c OR ./imcl -consoleMode
  3. Configure Installation Manager to download package repositories from IBM Passport Advantage:
    1. From the Main Menu, select Preferences.
    2. In the Preferences menu, select Passport Advantage.
    3. In the Passport Advantage menu, select Connect to Passport Advantage.
    4. When prompted, enter your IBM ID user name and password.
    5. Return to the Main Menu.
  4. From the options that are provided on the installer, add the repository that you want to install.
  5. From the Main Menu, select Install.
    Follow the installer instructions to complete the installation. The installer requires the following inputs at different stages of the installation:
    • Select Event Analytics
    • When prompted, enter an Installation Manager shared directory or accept the default directory.
    • When prompted, enter an installation directory or accept the default directory.
    • Clear the features that you do not require.
    • If required, generate a response file for use with silent installations on other computers. Enter the directory path and a file name with a .xml extension. The response file is generated before installation completes.
  6. When the installation is complete, select Finish.


Installation Manager installs Event Analytics.

What to do next

If you add a cluster to the Impact environment, you must update the data sources in IBM Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact 7.1. For more information, see Configuring extra failover capabilities in the Netcool/Impact environment.