Configure grouping for cloud or hybrid deployments

Learn how to configure grouping for your cloud or hybrid deployment.

You can group events based on known relationships. Based on the information stored about your infrastructure, you can automatically group events relating to an incident if they have the same scope and occur during the same time period.

Properties stored in the master.cea_properties table support certain options in the grouping triggers, which run in the ObjectServer to support IBM® Netcool® Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift®. The properties in this table are part of the schema definition that is pushed to the ObjectServer.

Configure grouping for your cloud or hybrid deployment by editing the properties in the master.cea_properties table. The properties are listed in the following tables.

The following table contains miscellaneous properties.

Table 1. Miscellaneous properties in the master.cea_properties table
Property Description
The CustomText of the CEACorrelationKeyParent event is set by the CustomText of an underlying child event. The CustomText of the child event is selected, in order of precedence, by the following properties.
  • CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentCause
  • CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentImpact
  • CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentFirst
  • CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentLast

When the CEACascadeCustomTextPrecedence property is set to true, the order of precedence is cascaded. If many child events have the same value for the highest ordered property, the next enabled property is used to determine which child event sets the CustomText of the parent event. If many child events have the same value for this property, the order is cascaded again, and so on.

For example, when CEACascadeCustomTextPrecedence is set to true and if CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentCause and CEAPropagateTextToCKeyParentFirst are both enabled and if all child events have the same CauseWeight value, then the child event with the oldest FirstOccurrence value is used to set the CustomText.

The CEACascadeCustomTextPrecedence property is set to false by default and cascading is disabled.

When the CEACascadeCustomTextPrecedence property is set to false and more than one of the listed properties are enabled, only the highest ordered property is used to set the CustomText for the parent event.

CEAChildParentClearType When this property is set to 1, the cea_canclear_parent procedure clears the parent immediately. If the property is set to 0, it clears only if no TTNumber value is set.

Specifies the product version.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to propagate the TTNumber to children events.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to propagate the acknowledged status to children events.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to propagate the OwnerUID to children events.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to propagate the OwnerGID to children events.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to append the CustomText to the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to populate the CustomText of the CEACorrelationKeyParent event by using the CustomText of the underlying child event with the highest CauseWeight value.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to populate the CustomText of the CEACorrelationKeyParent event by using the CustomText of the underlying child event with the highest ImpactWeight value.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to populate the CustomText of the CEACorrelationKeyParent event by using the CustomText of the underlying child event with the lowest FirstOccurrence value.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to populate the CustomText of the CEACorrelationKeyParent event by using the CustomText of the underlying child event with the highest LastOccurrence value.

The following table contains global properties that are used in scope-based grouping. These properties relate to how a grouping is done. They are applied at the time that an event is inserted, or at the time the ScopeID of an event is set.

Table 2. Global properties in the master.cea_properties table
Property group Property Description

Default value 20 * 60.

Defines a global quiet period to use when not defined in the event.
Note: From version 1.6.13 onwards, the CEAQuietPeriod parameter is not used to control timing. For more information, see Configure aggregation settings.

Default value 1.

Specifies whether synthetic parents are either created immediately (0), delayed until there are two members (1), or suppressed (2).


Default value 0.

If enabled, this property uses the node of the first event for the grouping to populate the node field in the synthetic CEACorrelationKeyParent event.

If events in the group are enriched with MIME classification data (CEAScore) and CEAUseSummaryMimeChild is enabled, the derived summary is used when there is a scoring present. Otherwise, it fails over to using the summary of either the first or last member of the group. If CEAUseSummaryFirstChild and CEAUseSummaryLastChild are both enabled, the summary of the first member is used first.


Default value 1.

Specifies that the summary of the child with the lowest first occurrence should be included in the summary of CEACorrelationKeyParent events.


Default value 0.

Specifies that the summary of the child with the highest first occurrence should be included in the summary of CEACorrelationKeyParent events.


Default value 1.

Specifies that the summary of the child with the highest mime score should be included in the summary of CEACorrelationKeyParent events. This property has precedence over CEAUseSummaryFirstChild, but only if there is a mime score set.

The following table contains properties that control what is written to journal entries and which parent is used for adding journal entries. These properties relate to how a grouping is done and are applied at the time an event is inserted, or at the time the ScopeID of an event is set.

Table 3. Journal entry properties in the master.cea_properties table
Property Description

Default value 0.

Specifies whether to journal child events to the SiteNameParent event.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to journal child events to the CEACorrelationKeyParent event.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether to journal child events to the super parent event.


Default value 20.

Specifies how many events to roll up into a single journal entry.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to send the ServerName:ServerSerial fields to the parent event journal.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to send the Node field to the parent event journal.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to send the Summary field to the parent event journal.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to send the AlertKey field to the parent event journal.


Default value 1.

Specifies whether to send the CustomText field to the parent event journal.


Default value 10.

Specifies maximum number of events to send to the SiteNameParent event journal.


Default value 50.

Specifies maximum number of events to send to the CEACorrelationKeyParent event journal.


Default value 100.

Specifies maximum number of events to send to the super parent event journal.

The following table contains properties that relate to how the events are processed and updated after grouping is done at the ScopeIDParent level.

Table 4. Post-grouping properties in the master.cea_properties table
Property group Property Description
Dismantling properties CEAMinimumChildren

Default value 0.

Property type integer.

This property specifies the minimum size of a grouping in terms of how many child events it has. If a grouping is present beyond its expiry time and does not have this minimum number of child events, the grouping is dismantled. The dismantle process involves unlinking the child events from the synthetic parent events. The synthetic parent events then auto-clear, since they no longer have any children. The underlying child events stand on their own in the ObjectServer. IBM Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift updates the CEACorrelationKey parameter for events when it sees two events that should be grouped. The SQL triggers delay synthetic parent creation to two children, if the value of the CEAParentCreationType parameter equals two. There is no way to delay the creation of a synthetic parent until more than two children exist. This property is only concerned with dismantling groups.

If the CEAMinimumChildren value is increased, then the cea_dismantle_small_groups procedure clears parents with less than the CEAMinimumChildren number of children. The number of children is determined from the Poll field of the parent. But, the Poll field is only set if Journalling is enabled. Journalling is enabled when CEAJournalToCKeyParent and CEAJournalToSuperParent are set to 1. Increase CEAMinimumChildren from the default value (0), only if journalling is enabled.

Journalling is disabled by default. To avoid dismantling of groups when journalling is disabled, ensure that CEAMinimumChildren is set to 0.


Default value 120.

Specifies the minimum time to live of CEACorrelationKeyParent events that are used by the minimum children automation.


Default value 0.

Specifies that the inherited ticket number should be cleared from children if dismantling.


Default value 0.

Specifies whether a group is dismantled immediately when it has only one member (disabled is 0). Any nonzero value means enabled.

Properties that affect the synthetic records, like the ScopeIDParent record summary field. CEACKeyPrefix

Specifies what the CEACorrelationKey prefix should be, if included in the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.


Specifies whether to append the CEACorrelationKey prefix to the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.


Specifies whether to append the impact and cause text to the EGCorrelationKeyParent summary field. This property is only of use if there are child events directly under the CEACorrelationKeyParent event. It does not look at child events that are contained under SiteNameParent subgroups.


Specifies whether to append the number of sites affected text to the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.


Specifies the label to use when referring to the number of subgroups affected in the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field. The default label is site.


Specifies whether to append the CEACorrelationKey prefix to the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.

The CEAUseCKeyNumActiveAlarms and CEACKeySummaryActiveFirst properties work together. When CEACKeySummaryActiveFirst is enabled, the number of active alarms is displayed at the start of the summary instead of at the end. CEACKeySummaryActiveFirst

Specifies whether the number of active alarms appears at the start of the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary. A value of zero means disabled.


Specifies whether to append the number of active alarms text to the CEACorrelationKeyParent summary field.

Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
Removed Table 5 with SiteName properties that should not be updated