Displaying alert seasonality

Alerts can occur within a seasonal time window. For example, an alert might tend to occur on a certain day of the week or a certain time of the day. Alerts that tend to occur within a seasonal time window are highlighted on the Alerts page using a large dot Big dot icon in the alert's Seasonal column. Click the dot to find out when the alert tends to occur.

About this task

Examples of seasonal time windows include the following times:
Hour of the day
Between 12:00 and 1:00 pm
Day of the week
On Mondays
Day of the month
On the 3rd of the month
Day of the week at a specific hour
On Mondays, between 12:00 and 1:00 pm
Day of the month at a specific hour
On the 3rd of the month, between 12:00 and 1:00 pm


  1. Identify alerts that are seasonal.
    • Flat alerts, that is, alerts that are not part of an alert group, that have associated seasonality, have a large dot Big dot icon immediately visible in their Seasonal column.
    • Alerts that are part of an alert group that have associated seasonality also have a large dot Big dot icon in their Seasonal column, but you must first open the alert group in order to see the alert. Open an alert group by clicking the Down chevron icon Downward-pointing chevron iconin the parent alert group row.
  2. Click the large dot Big dot icon in the Seasonal column for the alert of interest.
    A side panel that contains multiple information sections opens in the table. The Seasonality section is open and displays one or more seasonal time windows for the selected alert.
  3. Click the Down chevron Downward-pointing chevron icon next to each seasonal time window to see a visual representation of the time window.
    For example, if the underlying algorithm has identified that the selected alert tends to occur between 12 noon and 1:00 pm, then this alert will have a seasonal time window as follows, and this will be displayed using a clock-based representation:
    Between 12:00 and 1:00 pm
  4. If you have sufficient user permissions, then you can investigate the alert seasonality further.
    1. Click the More information link at the end of the side panel's Seasonality section.
      This action displays the Seasonality Details page, which provides a calendar view of all of the historical alerts that contributed to the selected seasonal alert.
      Note: You can also edit a policy from Seasonality Details page. Edit functionality is available only if the automatic updates are disabled for the policy. To edit a policy, click Edit Policy.
      This page contains the following sections:
      Seasonal time windows
      One or more seasonal time windows are listed together with a number indicating how many historical alerts occurred within this time window during the historical period analyzed. The color of the square is the color code for the respective seasonal time window. Select a seasonal time window to filter the Calendar and the Historical alert table to show just historical alerts that contributed to that time window.
      A calendar of the historical period analyzed (the last three months or more) showing days on which the historical alerts of interest occurred, and colored with the color code for the respective time window.
      Historical event table
      Table listing the historical alerts during the historical period analyzed.
    2. Click the Alerts breadcrumb to return to the Alerts page.