Export consolecli commands

Use the Export command to export customization data for an instance of the Jazz for Service Management application server. Use the ListExportPlugins command to list plug-ins that are available for export.


Use the ListExportPlugins command to list all plug-ins that can be exported. Use the list of returned plug-ins to assist you when you are specifying plug-ins to be exported.
Export [--includePlugins|--excludePlugins plugin1,plugin2] [--settingFile setting_file] --username tip_username --password tip_user_password


If you provide no parameters to the Export command, all custom data is exported by default.

Note: If you specify other parameters for the consolecli.bat|.sh Export command and make a typing error, that is, if you type a parameter incorrectly, or use the incorrect case, then the command runs as if no parameters were specified and no warning message is displayed.

Export parameters and arguments:

  • [--includePlugins|--excludePlugins plugin1,plugin2]

    You can choose to include or exclude a list of plug-ins when you run the Export command. These parameters are optional.

  • [--settingFile setting_file]

    You can specify your export requirements in the properties file instead of specifying your requirements with separate parameters at the command line. Provide a path to the settings file as the argument to the settingFile parameter. On Windows systems, you must use double backslashes characters (\\) when specifying the path to your settings file, for example, C:\\tmp\\export.properties. Command line parameters take precedence over entries in the settings file. This parameter is optional.

  • --username dash_username

    The username for a user with the iscadmin role. This parameter is mandatory.

  • --password dash_user_password

    The password for the specified username. This parameter is mandatory.