Exporting selected seasonal events for a specific configuration to Microsoft Excel

You can export selected seasonal events for a specific configuration to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from a supported browser.

Before you begin

You view seasonal events for one or more configurations in the View Seasonal Events portlet. To access the View Seasonal Events portlet, users must be assigned the ncw_analytics_admin role.


To export selected seasonal events for a specific configuration to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the View Seasonal Events portlet.
  2. Select a specific configuration from the configuration table.
  3. Select multiple seasonal events by using the Crtl key and select method. (You can also select multiple seasonal events by using the click and drag method.)
  4. After selecting multiple seasonal events, right-click one of the selected seasonal events and select the Export Selected Events button in the toolbar.
    After a short time, the Download export results link displays.
  5. Click the link to download and save the Microsoft Excel file.


The Microsoft Excel file contains a spreadsheet with the following tabs:

  • Report Summary: This tab contains a summary report of the configuration that you selected.
  • Seasonal Events: This tab contains the seasonal events for the configuration that you selected.
  • Export Comments: This tab contains any comments relating to the export for informational purposes (for example, if the spreadsheet headers are truncated, or if the spreadsheet rows are truncated).