Example: comparing different Top 10 metric charts

Use the custom dashboard that contains the two Top Performers widgets to compare different Top 10 metric charts. This enables you to see the potential impact of one metric on another across the devices that are showing the highest performance degradation on the first metric. For example, you might want to compare the chart showing those devices showing the highest ten incoming SNMP bandwidth usage values, with the chart showing those devices showing the highest ten outgoing SNMP bandwidth usage values.

About this task

To use the dashboard to compare different Top 10 metric charts, proceed as follows:


  1. In the Network Views widget, select a network view.
  2. In one of the Top Performers widgets, click the Metric drop-down list and select a metric of interest; for example snmpInBandwidth.
    The Top Performers widget updates to show a bar chart of the ten interfaces in the network view with the highest incoming SNMP bandwidth usage values.
  3. In the other Top Performers widget, click the Metric drop-down list and select a second metric of interest; for example snmpOutBandwidth.
    The Top Performers widget updates to show a bar chart of the ten interfaces in the network view with the highest outgoing SNMP bandwidth usage values.


You can now compare the two charts to see if there is any correlation between the data.