Preserving cloud native analytics gateway configmap customizations on upgrade

Learn how to reapply customizations to the cloud native analytics gateway configmap during an upgrade to version 1.6.12.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade to version 1.6.12, save a backup copy of the cloud native analytics gateway configmap: ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway. Run the following commands:
export EANOIGATEWAY=$(oc get configmap | grep eanoigateway | awk '{print $1}')
oc get configmap ${EANOIGATEWAY} -o yaml > ${EANOIGATEWAY}.bak

About this task

During an upgrade, the version 1.6.12 configmap automatically overwrites the configmap from the older version. If the older configmap contains any customizations, they are lost after upgrade. To avoid this loss, manually update the cloud native analytics gateway after an upgrade to version 1.6.12.

The following fields were removed from the cloud native analytics gateway configmap (ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway) in version 1.6.10:
  • LocalNodeAlias
  • LocalSecObj
  • RemoteNodeAlias
  • RemotePriObj
  • RemoteSecObj
  • RemoteRootObj
  • ExtendedAttr
These fields are no longer required in version 1.6.12. Do not re-instate the fields after an upgrade, unless specifically required.

The CEAProcessType field was added to the cloud native analytics gateway configmap (ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway) in version 1.6.10. For more information, see Cloud native analytics gateway configmap.


  1. Save a backup copy of the configmap YAML file, as described in the Before you begin section. Then, upgrade to version 1.6.12.
  2. Edit the cloud native analytics gateway configmap YAML file to manually reapply any customizations. Use the backup YAML file as a guide. For more information, see Cloud native analytics gateway configmap.
    Note: The CEAProcessType parameter is supported in version 1.6.10. When you edit the gateway configmap YAML file, do not remove this parameter. For more information, see CEAProcessType.
  3. Determine the name of the cloud native analytics gateway pod and store gateway pod information in an environment variable. Run the following command.
    export EANOIGATEWAY_POD=$(oc get pod | grep ${EANOIGATEWAY})
    Display information about the cloud native analytics gateway pod.
    Code similar to the following example is displayed:
    <cluster_release_name>-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-<unique_pod_reference> 1/1 Running 0 9d
    • <cluster_release_name> is the release name of the cluster, for example MyRelease.
    • <unique_pod_reference> is a combination of characters and numbers that uniquely identifies the pod, for example: 6b8fcffdc4-5q2rm.
    • 9d shows that the pod has been running for nine days. This time varies depending on the circumstances of the pod.
  4. Apply the gateway configmap YAML file changes by restarting the gateway. Delete the associated cloud native analytics gateway pod.
    oc delete pod <cluster_release_name>-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-<unique_pod_reference>
    Where <cluster_release_name> and <unique_pod_reference> are determined in the previous step.
  5. A new pod with the new gateway configmap parameters automatically starts up. Wait a short time and then run the following command to confirm that the new pod is up.
    oc get pod | grep ${EANOIGATEWAY}
    Code similar to the following example is displayed:
    <cluster_release_name>-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-<unique_pod_reference> 1/1 Running 0 30s
    In the example, the new pod has been running for 30 seconds.