Create a trigger
Before you begin
You must create an Event Trigger connection before you can work with triggers. For more information, see Event Trigger (Netcool/Impact).
About this task
equalsoperator to describe the exact match that you are looking for.
If the conditions from multiple triggers match to a single Netcool/OMNIbus event, then these triggers are sorted by their priorities. You can manage the trigger priority from within the Runbook Automation trigger editor. The range of supported values is in the range 1 - 1000, 1 being the lowest priority and 1000 the highest. Think® of it as a weight
applied to the filter. If two triggers have the same
priority assigned to them, then their ordering is undefined. In most cases, the trigger that was
defined first takes effect, but you cannot rely on this rule. The order might change when triggers
are deleted, and trigger IDs are reused.
The runbook IDs from the sorted triggers are stored
in that order in the field RunbookIDArray
in the Netcool/OMNIbus event (in JSON format). If the trigger at the first position links to a fully automated runbook and is enabled, then Netcool/Impact invokes this fully automated runbook. Netcool/Impact does not invoke the fully automated runbooks of all the other triggers from the sorted list.
In any case, Netcool/Impact stores the runbook parameters within the Netcool/OMNIbus event according to the parameter mapping that is defined in the trigger at the first position.
Example: You create "trigger-1
" that links events that match "filter-1
" to
the manual runbook with "runbookID-1
". Later, you realize that it would be
preferable for those events to be handled by a fully automated runbook with
". And the manual runbook with "runbookID-1
" should be
linked only to the event as a backup, in case the fully automated runbook fails. To achieve this,
create a new trigger "trigger-2
" with a set of conditions
" and link it to "runbookID-2
". The
" must be (slightly) different from "filter-1
", in a way
that it still matches the wanted events. Then, set the priority for "trigger-2
" to
a non-default value. For example, set it to 567
. For any new event that matches
both "filter-1
" and "filter-2
", the fully automated runbook with
" is executed. The "RunbookIDArray
" will have the
content ["runbookID-2","runbookID-1"]
Create a custom Netcool/OMNIbus launch-in-context tool that picks the second entry from the RunbookIDArray
invokes the manual runbook.
If the set of runbook parameters for the manual runbook is a subset of the runbook parameters for the fully automated runbook, all runbook parameters are automatically set when you start the manual runbook.