Viewing a resource on a map

You can view a resource on a map, which gives you access to geospatial analysis functionality.

Before you begin

  • To geo-locate resources and view them on a map, your administrator must have defined a location tile server.
  • Also, resources with geolocation properties must exist in your topology database. Some observers import resource data with such properties, or you can add them via file enrichment rule.
Tip: The geolocation data for a resource from a source like an observer should be in the following format (with the longitude before the latitude):
    "uniqueId": "Example site with co-ordinates",
    "entityTypes": [
    "geolocation": {
        "geometry": {
            "coordinates": [
            "type": "Point"
In this example 24.80792 is the longitude and -1.05194 the latitude.

About this task

Restriction: A resource map is available only for individual resources, not for resource groups or services (applications).
Tip: You can access a reduced map with limited functionality (the details 'tearsheet') from the More details 'Location' tab, which is also accessed when you click the location pin. To view the full resource map, click the map link next to the resource name.


  1. Open the Resource map by clicking the Map link in the table (on the far right), or next to the resource name when viewing More details.

    The map displays the resource pinned to the center of the map, and the location pin indicates the highest severity (status) for the resource. Search and Filter functionality remains available.

  2. The Resource map gives you access to the following functionality:
    • Hover on the location pin to view a tooltip with the resource name, its icon and type.
    • Click the pin to open the More details page for the resource.
    • Use the mouse wheel (or Zoom in or Zoom out buttons) to zoom in or out. Alternatively, double-click on the map to zoom in.
    • Zoom out to view the selected resource as part of a cluster of nearby resources. The cluster ring matches the highest severity (status) of the grouped resources.
      A cluster displays the number of resources it contains. When you hover your cursor over a cluster, the dispersal of resources is indicated as a shape.
      Tip: The granularity of a cluster, that it, the number of resources included in a cluster and at what pixel size, are customizable settings.
    • Click a cluster to zoom into the area of the clustered resources. Continue to drill down to the location pins of individual resources.
    • Use the Zoom fit button to adjust the size of the view to show all the visible locations based on the current viewing criteria.