This reference topic describes the Netcool Agile Service Manager UI screen elements and
Resource management page
To access Agile Service Manager topology data, you launch
the Resource management page from the main navigation menu.
On the
management page, you can select either the
Resource groups or
Resources tabs to filter your
topology data. Services and resource groups are displayed in 'Favorites' and 'All results' sections,
while resources are listed in table format only.
- You can toggle the display of favorites from the default card view to a table view.
- You can select a service, resource group or resource, or use the Search function.
- Services tab
- A service is a collection of resource groups, which can each be created and managed from
different sources. When combined with resource-level event correlation and grouping mechanisms,
services provide rapid visibility of overall states, allowing operators to prioritize work orders
and focus on specific sets of resources that relate to a specific service, thereby excluding
resources and resource groups that are not of interest.
- From the services tab of the Resource management page, you can manage
services, assign them a business criticality, assign them as favorites (by selecting the heart
icon), and display them either as a topology or in a tabular format.
- Resource groups tab
- Resource groups are used to manage specific resources. You can have resource groups from
different sources within a service, and also separate from a service. Resource groups are
collections of resources that have been collected into a group in order to capture a business or
technical context within the environment for both search and correlation purposes. They are either
created directly from the topological data discovered via observer jobs, or they are created by
defining templates that represent a specific business logic, which dynamically produces resource
groups based on defined criteria, such as a model topology structure or a set of tags. Importantly,
resource groups are dynamic, which means they change as and when the environment is updated, thereby
ensuring the topology data is up-to-date.
- From the Resource groups tab of the Resource management page, you can add
resource groups to services, assign them a business criticality, assign them as favorites (by
selecting the heart icon), or view them either as a topology or in tabular format; however, you
cannot create resource groups from here.
- To view a topology, or to view all of the resources that make up or have relationships to a
resource group, see Viewing a topology.
- To view or assign resource groups as favorites on the Topology dashboard,
see Using the Topology dashboard.
- To create business criticality definitions that you can then assign to resource groups, see
Defining business criticality.
- To view more information, click More
details next to the group, or on the overflow menu.
- Resource groups can only be created and managed through a connected inventory provider,
such as Kubernetes or VMware, or through a resource group template, and cannot be created or deleted
from the Resource management page; while the resources within a resource group
must be created and managed through the connection with the inventory provider (that is, an observer
job). If you need to change resources within a resource group, you do not directly manipulate the
resource group. Instead, an administrator user must use the resource group template, or manage the
group within the connected inventory provider.
- Resources tab
- All available resources, their types, and any associated alerts or tags are listed in the All
resources table.
- Resources are represented in topology visualizations, search experience, and APIs, and form the
basis of any topology-based event analytics.
- Resources are created in the system from observations of different technologies, or from data
entered directly, and can represent a multitude of different elements, which are interconnected by
their specific relationships and related properties. Relationship types can represent physical
connections or logical connections, and all resources together provide an end-to-end view of an
environment across data sources, management silos and historical time frames.
- From the Resources tab of the Resource management page, you can perform a
number of tasks:
- To assign a business
criticality, select an option from the predefined criticalities.
- To view more information, click More
details next to the resource, or on the overflow menu.
- To list deleted
resources, toggle the Deleted resources switch.
- For more information on viewing, rendering or managing topologies in real time, or compare them
to previous versions within a historical time window, see the topics under Viewing a topology.
- To view a resource topology, click the resource
- Historical data (resources only)
- To view resources at a historical point in the past, click Choose a historical
time on the toolbar (the default is 'show current time').
- Choose a specific date and time in the past, and click Apply.
Note: You can access the search and filter functionality from
the Resource management page (for services, resource groups and resources) as well as the Resource
map (for resources only).
- Search
- As you insert your cursor into the Search field, the five most recent searches are listed, and
can be selected.
- You can delete a recent search by clicking the delete button (X) to the
right of the suggested search, or click View all to display all recent
- When viewing all recent searches, you can filter the results further using the Filter
table Search field, or you can select them and then delete them from the recent searches
- As you type in a search term, suggested search results are listed, both from the topology
database and from recent searches, with your entered text highlighted.
- When you click a search result, the results are listed under the Favorites and All results
sections, separated into services, Resource groups and Resources tabs, and search is closed with the
search term displayed. Click the delete button (X) to the right of the search
term to return to the previous Resource management screen.
Deleted resources: For resources only, you can select the Include
deleted resources toggle in order to include deleted resources on the Results page
(unless an administrator has disabled that feature). Deleted resources are marked as such, and the
date and time that they were deleted is displayed. If you click View
topology, the resource is displayed in the Topology Viewer with the history timeline
open, and set to 1ms before deletion. When closed, the topology is cleared. When you search for
resources with a previous point in time set in the history timeline, deleted resources are
not returned and the toggle to include them is not available.
- For each search result, the service, resource group or resource name, type and other properties
are displayed.
- If a status other than 'clear' exists for a search result, the maximum severity is displayed in
the information returned, and a color-coded information bar above each result displays all non-clear
statuses (in proportion).
- For resources only you can click More details to display
additional information on the Resource details sidebar, such as its state and
any associated severity levels, or when the resources were previously updated or replaced (or
- To render a topology, click the name link.
Resource group restriction: When you load a resource group topology, you are unable to
follow its neighbors, or change its hops, or make use of its advanced filters.
Tip: While viewing a topology, you can click View
legend to open a Help panel that describes the visual elements used in the display of
the topology. Alternatively, you can click Tabular view to display the
topology of a service or resource group in table format instead.
- Filter conditions
- The Resource management page (or Resource map) can
display a large number of resources, resource groups or services, which you can filter using the
Filter conditions panel. Filters reduce the number of items displayed in the
Results table as you define them, and you can save them for future use.
- Click Open filter to the left of the Search field
to display the panel. If filters were defined and saved previously, you can select them from the
Select a filter drop-down list.
- You define filter conditions using the default, or previously customized, Severity, Business
criticality, or Other properties filters.
Tip: You can select an existing
filter and save it as a new filter, which you can then edit.
For resources only: You can apply the filters you set to a specific
moment in time by using the
Historical search setting. Alternatively, you can display resources
changed during a specified period using the
Last updated setting.
- Severity
- Select one or more severity
as a filter condition.
- Business criticality
- Select a business criticality as a filter condition.
- Business criticality can be customized by an administrator, as described
in Defining business criticality.
- Other properties
- To add additional filter properties, click Add conditions+.
- Define a filter condition
- Select a property from the Choose a property drop-down.
- Select an operator appropriate to that property from the Choose an
operator drop-down.
- Depending on the property selected, either type in a value or select one using the
Value field (or drop-down).
- Click Apply to filter the Results table.
- You can delete, edit or disable the filter, or save it for future use.
- Example 1: Select the 'tags' property, then the 'excludes all' operator, then choose one
of the available tags from the Value drop-down. Once applied, all results with that tag are excluded
from the Results table.
- Example 2: Select the 'name' property, then the 'equal to' operator, then type a resource
name into the Value field. Once applied, only results of that name are included in the Results
- Save a filter
- Click Save as new filter on the overflow menu.
- Define a Filter name and Description for the
filter. The name must be unique.
- Define the filter user and their level of access.
- Only me: Select for private use.
- Everyone: Select Use or Edit. If you select
Edit, everyone will be able to change the filter.
- Specified users, user groups or both: Select from the available
Users or User groups, and then specify the level of control:
- Use
- Use and edit
- Use, edit and manage
- Click Save as new filter.
- The specified users will be able to select the filter from the Select a
filter drop-down list.
Delete filters: You can delete only
the filters that you have created. To do so, select Delete filter from the
overflow menu.
- Geospatial (resources only)
- Select one of the following options from the Scope drop-down.
- If filtering from the Resource management page
- The Services and Resource group tabs are unavailable (grayed out). Once you have identified a
resource you wish to view on a map (defined earlier), click the map icon for that resource in the table (to the right of the
'More details' link).
- If filtering from a Resource map
- Filters are applied immediately and the map is adjusted.
- All resources with geospatial data
- All resources that have geospatial properties are displayed.
- The Area filter parameter is unavailable.
- All resources without geospatial data
- All resources without geospatial properties are displayed.
- The Area filter parameter is unavailable.
- Within area
- Click Select area to open a world map. Use the cursor and zoom function
to move to a desired location, then use the selection tool to specify the area. Click
Apply selection to return to the previous screen, where all resources that
have geospatial properties and are located within the selected area are listed.
- From here, you can clear or edit the area.
- Outside area
- Click Select area to open a world map. Use the cursor and zoom function
to move to a desired location, then use the selection tool to specify the area. Click
Apply selection to return to the previous screen, where all resources that
have geospatial properties and are located outside the selected area are listed.
- From here, you can clear or edit the area.
- Include resources in overlapping area
- Click Select area to open a world map. Use the cursor and zoom function
to move to a desired location, then use the selection tool to specify the area. Click
Apply selection to return to the previous screen, where all resources that
have geospatial properties and are located within the selected area are listed, as are
resources adjacent to or overlapping with the selected area.
- Exclude resources in overlapping area
- Click Select area to open a world map. Use the cursor and zoom function
to move to a desired location, then use the selection tool to specify the area. Click
Apply selection to return to the previous screen, where all resources that
have geospatial properties and are located within the selected area are listed, though
resources adjacent to or overlapping with the selected area are excluded.
- Last updated (resources only)
- You can choose to display only the resources that were created or changed during a specific time
period (prior to 'now').
Exceptions: Changes in severity or status in this time period are
not flagged.
- Choose either minutes, hours, or days, and select a number between 1 (one) and 500.
Navigation toolbar
The navigation toolbar is displayed at the top of the Topology Viewer and provides access to the
following functionality, or information.
- Topology search
- If you conduct a resource search from the navigation toolbar with a topology already loaded, the
search functionality searches the loaded topology as well as the topology database. For information
on advanced query syntax, see the inventory
query reference topic.
- As you insert your cursor into the Search field, the five most recent searches are listed, and
can be selected. You can delete a recent search by clicking the delete button
(X) to the right of the suggested search, or click View
all to display all recent searches. When viewing all recent searches, you can filter the
results further using a Search field, or select them and then delete them from the Recent searches
- As you type in a search term, a drop-down list is displayed that includes suggested search
results, both from the topology database and from recent searches, with your entered text
highlighted. You can search by name, tag, uniqueId, or entity type.
- When you click a search result, the results are listed under the Favorites and All results
sections, separated into services, Resource groups and Resources tabs, and search is closed.
- For the results listed under In view resources:
- If you hover over a search result in this section, the resource is highlighted in the topology
- If you click on a search result, the topology view zooms in on that resource and closes the
- Number of hops
- The number of relationship hops to visualize from the seed resource, with the default set at
- You define the number of relationship hops to be performed, which can be from zero to a maximum
of four, unless this setting has been customized.
- See the Topology rendering section in the 'Defining advanced topology settings' topic for more
information about customizing the maximum hop count.
- Type of hop
- The type of graph traversal used. The options are:
- Host to host hop type
- This type generates a view showing host to host connections.
- Element to element hop type (default)
- This type performs the traversal using all element types in the graph.
- When a topology is viewed without a hop type defined, the element to element default view is
- Element to host hop type
- This type provides an aggregated hop view like the host to host type, but also includes the
elements that are used to connect the hosts.
Tip: The URL captures the
as 'h2h', 'e2e', or 'e2h' and can
therefore be shared via
direct-launch URL string using the URL parameter, (for example
See Topology rendering for more information about changing the default hop type.
- Filter toggle
- Use this icon to display or hide the filter toolbar. You can filter resources that are displayed
in the topology, or set filters before rendering a topology to prevent a large, resource-intensive
topology from being loaded.
- If a filter has been applied to a displayed topology, the text Filtering
applied is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the topology.
- Render
- This performs the topology visualization action, rendering the topology based on the settings in
the navigation toolbar. Once rendered, the topology will refresh on a 30 second interval by
- Refresh rate
- You can pause the auto-update refresh, or select a custom interval.
- The default configuration refresh rate is 60s.
- From the Refresh rate drop-down, you can choose either 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m,
or Paused.
- Refresh configuration
- Click the Refresh configuration icon to refresh the topology
- This action refreshes the topology data, and also clears all user-specific session data,
thereby ensuring that any manual configuration changes imported by, for example, the REST API, are
rendered and displayed immediately.
- Sharing options
- You can share a topology either by obtaining a direct URL linking to the topology view, or by
exporting a view of the topology as an image.
- Obtain direct URL
- Open the Sharing options drop-down menu, and then use the
Obtain direct URL option to display the Direct topology
URL dialog.
- The displayed URL captures the current topology configuration, including layout type (layout
orientation is not tracked).
- Click Copy to obtain a direct-launch URL string, then close the dialog
(click X) to return to the previous screen.
- Use the direct-launch URL for quick access to a given topology view.
Tip: You can
share this URL with all DASH users with the required permissions.
- Export as PNG / SVG
- You can share a snapshot of a topology in either PNG or SVG format, for example with someone who
does not have DASH access.
- Open the Sharing options drop-down menu, and then use either the
Export as PNG or the Export as SVG option.
- Select or browse to a program to open the image, or use Save File to save
the image. Specify a name and location, then click Save to create a snapshot
of your topology view.
- You can now share the image as required.
- Opens the Topology
configuration page,
from where you can customize a number of Agile Service Manager UI elements.
- Opens the Using resource group templates page already
populated with the current view elements including the preview pane to the right of the Template
builder. From here, you can create a new exact resource group template.
Restriction: While viewing topologies, you can only create exact templates based on
element-to-element topologies. The Create exact template option will not
appear in the Settings drop-down for other views.
- Open the Settings drop-down menu, and then use the User
preferences option to access the User preferences window, where you
can make changes to the Updates, Layout and Miscellaneous sections.
- Click Save when done to return to the topology.
- You can customize the following user preferences to suit your requirements:
- Updates
- Default auto refresh rate (seconds)
- The rate at which the topology will be updated.
- The default value is 30.
- You must reopen the topology before any changes to this user preference take effect.
- Maximum number of resources to load with auto refresh enabled
- When the resource limit set here is reached, auto-refresh is turned off.
- The maximum value is 2000, and the default is set to 500.
Tip: If you find that the
default value is too high and negatively impacts your topology viewer's performance, reduce this
- Auto render new resources
- Enable this option to display new resources at the next scheduled or ad-hoc refresh as soon as
they are detected.
- Remove deleted topology resources
- Enable this option to remove deleted resources at the next scheduled or ad-hoc refresh.
- Layout
- Set Default layout type including the layout orientation for some of the
layout types.
- You can choose from a number of layout types, and also set the orientation for layouts 4, 6, 7
and 8.
Tip: A change to a layout type is tracked in the URL (while layout
orientation is not tracked). You can manually edit your URL to change the layout type display
- The following numbered layout types are available:
- Layout 1
- A layout that simply displays all resources in a topology without applying a specific layout
- Layout 2
- A circular layout that is useful when you want to arrange a number of entities by type in a
circular pattern.
- Layout 3
- A grouped layout is useful when you have many linked entities, as it helps you visualize the
entities to which a number of other entities are linked. This layout helps to identify groups of
interconnected entities and the relationships between them.
- Layout 4
- A hierarchical layout that is useful for topologies that contain hierarchical structures, as it
shows how key vertices relate to others with peers in the topology being aligned.
- Layout 5
- A force-directed (or 'peacock') layout is useful when you have many interlinked vertices, which
group the other linked vertices.
- Layout 6
- A planar rank layout is useful when you want to view how the topology relates to a given vertex
in terms of its rank, and also how vertices are layered relative to one another.
- Layout 7
- A rank layout is useful when you want to see how a selected vertex and the vertices immediately
related to it rank relative to the remainder of the topology (up to the specified amount of hops).
The root selection is automatic.
- For example, vertices with high degrees of connectivity outrank lower degrees of connectivity.
This layout ranks the topology automatically around the specified seed vertex.
- Layout 8
- A root rank layout similar to layout 7, except that it treats the selected vertex as the root.
This layout is useful when you want to treat a selected vertex as the root of the tree, with others
being ranked below it.
- Ranks the topology using the selected vertex as the root (root selection: Selection)
- The following orientations for layouts 4, 6, 7 and 8 are available.
- Layout orientation
- For layouts 4, 6, 7 and 8, you can set the following layout orientations:
- Top to bottom
- Bottom to top
- Left to right
- Right to left
- Miscellaneous
- Information message auto hide timeout (seconds)
- The number of seconds that information messages are shown for in the UI.
- The default value is 3.
Tip: If you are using a screen reader, it may be helpful to
increase this value to ensure that you do not miss the message.
- Screen reader support for graphical topology
- Disabled by default.
- You can enable the display of additional Help text on screen elements, which can improve the
usability of screen readers.
- You must reopen the page before any changes to this user preference take effect.
- Client side debug logging (on supported browsers)
- Disabled by default.
- If enabled, additional debug output is generated, which you can use for defect isolation.
Tip: Use this for specific defect hunting tasks, and then disable it again. If left enabled,
it can reduce the topology viewer's performance.
- You must reopen the page before any changes to this user preference take effect.
- Maintain zoom level on render configuration changes
- Disabled by default, which means that when a topology is rendered, it is returned to its
original zoom level (that is, 'Zoom fit').
- If enabled, keeps your current zoom level each time the topology is rendered.
- Refreshes the topology, and also clears all user-specific session data, thereby ensuring that
any manual configuration changes imported by, for example, the REST API, are rendered and displayed
- Resource group templates
- Opens the Resource group
templates page, where administrators can create and manage templates to generate resource
Visualization toolbar
The Topology Viewer visualization toolbar is along the top right hand corner (below the
navigation toolbar and down the side) and provides you with access to functionality to manipulate
the topology visualization.
- View legend
- Toggle View Legend to open a Help panel that describes the visual
elements used in the topology to display, for example, added or removed resources, their status, and
- Timeline
- Use this to open or close the History timeline, which shows how a topology has changed over
- The timeline is closed by default.
- Delta
- Use this to shows how a topology has changed between two specific moments in time.
- Delta is off by default.
- Select tool submenu
- When you hover over the Select tool icon, a submenu is displayed from which you can choose the
Select, Pan or Zoom Select tool.
- Select tool
- Use this icon to select individual resources using a mouse click, or to select groups of
resources by creating a selection area (using click-and-drag).
- Pan tool
- Use this icon to pan across the topology using click-and-drag on a blank area of the
visualization panel.
- Zoom select tool
- Use this icon to zoom in on an area of the topology using click-and-drag.
- Zoom in
- Use this icon to zoom in on the displayed topology.
- Zoom out
- Use this icon to zoom out of the displayed topology.
- Zoom fit
- Use this icon to fit the entire topology in the current view panel.
- Overview (mini map)
- Use this toggle to create the overview mini map in the bottom right corner.
- The mini map provides an overview of the entire topology while you zoom in or out of the main
topology. The mini map displays a red rectangle to represent the current topology view.
Note: In some browsers the use of the mini map may cause performance
issues when displaying large topologies.
- Layout
- Use this icon to recalculate, and then render the topology layout again.
- You can choose from a number of layout types and orientations.
- Layout 1
- A layout that simply displays all resources in a topology without applying a specific layout
- Layout 2
- A circular layout that is useful when you want to arrange a number of entities by type in a
circular pattern.
- Layout 3
- A grouped layout is useful when you have many linked entities, as it helps you visualize the
entities to which a number of other entities are linked. This layout helps to identify groups of
interconnected entities and the relationships between them.
- Layout 4
- A hierarchical layout that is useful for topologies that contain hierarchical structures, as it
shows how key vertices relate to others with peers in the topology being aligned.
- Layout 5
- A peacock layout is useful when you have many interlinked vertices, which group the other linked
- Layout 6
- A planar rank layout is useful when you want to view how the topology relates to a given vertex
in terms of its rank, and also how vertices are layered relative to one another.
- Layout 7
- A rank layout is useful when you want to see how a selected vertex and the vertices immediately
related to it rank relative to the remainder of the topology (up to the specified amount of hops).
The root selection is automatic.
- For example, vertices with high degrees of connectivity outrank lower degrees of connectivity.
This layout ranks the topology automatically around the specified seed vertex.
- Layout 8
- A root rank layout similar to layout 7, except that it treats the selected vertex as the root.
This layout is useful when you want to treat a selected vertex as the root of the tree, with others
being ranked below it.
- Ranks the topology using the selected vertex as the root (root selection: Selection)
- Layout orientation
- For layouts 4, 6, 7 and 8, you can set the following layout orientations:
- Top to bottom
- Bottom to top
- Left to right
- Right to left
- Tabular view
- If you click Tabular view to display a topology in table format, it lists
the name, type, resource alerts, tags and business criticality for each resource.
- If you have used the Timeline to select a date in the past for a specific
resource before opening the Tabular view, that date is displayed above
the table. You can click the date in order to set a new date, or return to the current date.
- If you return to the current time, the data is refreshed.
- If you choose to set a new date, the Choose a historical time dialog opens,
which lets you select a new moment in time up to the data retention limit set for your system (the
default is thirty days in the past); if you then switch back from a tabular to a topology view, the
time pin has moved accordingly.
- Filter
- Dynamically filter the table by typing names, types or tags into the Search field.
Note: Elements that are not displayed when viewing service resources in tabular format, such as
relationship types, are not available for filtering.
- Share
- You can share a link to the service in tabular format with another user.
- Additional functionality
- You can perform a number of activities from the overflow menu of each displayed item in the
table, such as viewing related incidents, comments or more details, showing the item in a map,
assigning business criticality, opening it in the topology viewer, or building a template.
Remember: If you are displaying a tabular view at a historical point in time, any
resource details you access will be from that moment.
Topology visualization panel
The main panel under the visualization toolbar displays the topology.
The displayed topology consists of resource nodes and the relationship links connecting the
resources. You can interact with these nodes and links using the mouse functionality.
- Dragging a node
- Click and drag a node to move it.
- Selecting a node
- Selection of a node highlights the node, and emphasizes its first-order connections by fading
all other resources.
- Context menu (right-click)
- You open the context menu using the right-click function. The context menu provides access to
the resource-specific actions you can perform.
- For resource entities, you can perform the following:
- Resource details
- Note: The details dashboard is accessed either from the topology context menu or the
Resource management dashboard. Some items may be unavailable.
opened from the Resource management dashboard, the resource name is an active
link that opens a topology view of the resource in context. If a map has been defined, the
Map link next to the resource name opens the Resource map view.
When selected while viewing a topology history with delta mode On, the
Resource details window displays the properties of the resource at both the
reference time and at the delta time.
'Related services' and 'Related resource groups'
are only displayed when not in historical mode
- Properties tab: Displays all the current stored properties for the
specified resource in tabular and JSON format. If a property has been excluded from view by an administrator, it is only visible in JSON format.
Toggle the Show JSON switch On or Off to display
the properties in JSON format.
- Data origin tab: Displays the point of origin of the resource data, such
as a specific observer job.
If you have the appropriate user permission, such as the
administrator role, the observer job name is an active link, which opens the observer job page from
where you can re-run the job, view its history, or edit the job.
- Related services tab: Displays all related services as active links,
which open the service topologies in new windows.
Also lists the group type, number of
groups, status, and tags.
- Related resource groups tab: Displays all related resource groups as
active links, which open the resource group topologies in new windows.
Also lists the
resource type, number of resources, status, and tags.
- Location tab: Opens a map in which the resource is geo-located. Zoom
functions are enabled, though the map is limited to the More details dialog. To open the full map,
use the Map link next to the resource name.
- Resource status tab: Displays a dialog that shows the time-stamped
statuses related to the specified resource in table format.
The Severity and Time
columns can be sorted, and the moment (that is, the historical time point) that Resource status was
selected is also time-stamped.
You can use the Show active only
toggle to remove inactive statuses.
In addition, if any status tools have been defined,
the status tool selector (three dots) is displayed next to the resource's statuses. Click the status
tool selector to display a list of any status tools that have been defined, and then click the
specific tool to run it. Status tools are only displayed for the states that were specified when the
tools were defined.
The severity of a status ranges from 'clear' (white tick on a
green square) to 'critical' (white cross on a red circle).
Table 1. Severity levels
Icon |
Severity |
clear |
indeterminate |
information |
warning |
minor |
major |
critical |
Tip: If statuses related to a specific resource are available, the
resource will be marked with an icon depicting the status severity level, and the Resource status
tab will appear on the Resource details window, accessible via the resource
context menu.
- Resource group details
- Note: Only accessed from the Resource management dashboard.
- Properties tab: Displays all the current stored properties for the
specified Resource group in tabular and JSON format. If a property has been excluded from view by an administrator, it is only visible in JSON format.
- Related resources tab: Displays all related resources as active links,
which open the resource topologies in new windows.
Also lists the type, status, tags,
and business criticality (if defined).
- Related services tab: Displays all related services as active links,
which open the service topologies in new windows.
Also lists the number of resources,
status, and tags, and business criticality (if defined).
- Service details
- Note: Only accessed from the Resource management dashboard.
- Properties tab: Displays all the current stored properties for the
specified service in tabular and JSON format. If a property has been excluded from view by an administrator, it is only visible in JSON format.
- Related resources tab: Displays all related resources as active links,
which open the resource topologies in new windows.
Also lists the type, status, tags,
and business criticality (if defined).
- Related resource groups tab: Displays all related resource groups as
active links, which open the resource group topologies in new windows.
Also lists the
resource type, number of resources, status, and tags, and business criticality (if defined).
- Assign criticality
- Business criticality sets the priority level for a resource (or service, or resource group).
- To assign a priority, select a definition from the Business criticality
drop-down, then click Save.
- To remove a business criticality, select Unassigned.
Remember: Business criticality definitions must be created by an administrator user before you can assign
them to a resource
, as described in Defining business criticality.
- Build a template
- Opens the Create a new template dialog, from where you can create a new resource group
- Get Neighbors
- When selected, opens a menu that displays the resource types of all the neighboring resources.
Each resource type lists the number of resources of that type, as well as the maximum severity
associated with each type.
- You can choose to get All neighbors of the selected resource, or choose a
specific resource to add to the topology using the Choose neighbor option.
lets you expand the topology in controlled, incremental steps.
- Selecting Get neighbors overrides any existing filters.
- You can Undo the last neighbor request made.
- Follow relationship
- When selected, opens a menu that displays all adjacent relationship types.
- Each relationship type lists the number of relationships of that type, as well as the maximum
severity associated with each type.
- You can choose to follow all relationships, or only the neighbors of a specific type.
- Show last change in timeline
- When selected, will display the history timeline depicting the most recent change made to the
- Show first change in timeline
- When selected, will display the history timeline depicting the first change made to the
- Find path
- When selected, opens the Path tool dialog, from where you can define the
criteria for the system to find the shortest path between two resources in your topology. For more
information, see Using the Path tool.
- Recenter view
- When selected, this updates the displayed topology with the specified resource as seed.
- Delete resource
- Removes the resource from the topology.
- Topology Swagger
- Opens the Swagger UI.
- Swagger
- Agile Service Manager uses Swagger for automated documentation generation and utilizes a Swagger
server for each micro-service.
- You can access and explore the REST APIs of the topology service and observers using Swagger via
the proxy service.
- For more information, see Swagger reference.
- Information bar
- A section at the bottom of the screen displays the current status of the rendered topology.
- A timestamp on the left of the information bar indicates the time of the most recent refresh. If
two time periods are being compared, both will be indicated.
- Additional information on the right describes the number of resources rendered, their
relationships, whether they were added or removed since the last refresh, and whether a filter has
been applied.
Filter toolbar
Open and close the Filter toolbar using the Filter toggle in the
Navigation toolbar (along the top). When you have filtered your topology, click
Close to remove the toolbar from view.
The Filter toolbar is displayed as a panel on the right-hand side of the
page, and consists of a
Simple and an
Advanced tab. If selected, each tab provides you
with access to the following expandable lists of filters:
- Resource types
- Relationship types
- Resource severity
Any resource or relationship types that have been excluded from view in order to optimize
performance when rendering topologies are listed here.
The seed resource of
a topology can not be blocked, and neither can resource groups.Note: You can override the exclusion using the context menu functionality.
- If you are filtering a topology before rendering it: All types are displayed, except
those that have been excluded. After rendering the topology, you can toggle the Show all
types switch so that only types relevant to your topology are displayed.
- If you are filtering a topology already displayed in the viewer: Only types relevant to
your topology are displayed, for example host,
ipaddress, or operatingsystem. You can toggle the
Show all types switch so that all types are listed (apart from the excluded
- Simple tab
- When you use the Simple tab, all specified types are removed from view, including the seed
- It only removes the resources matching that type, leaving the resources below, or further
out from that type, based on topology traversals.
- By default, all types are On. Use the Off toggle to remove
specific types from your view.
- Advanced tab
- The Advanced tab performs a server-side topology-based filter action.
- If you change the topology, you can set filters before you render the topology to prevent a
potentially large, resource-intensive topology from being loaded in full.
- It can exclude or include types:
- Exclude removes the resources matching that type, as well as all resources below
that type. However, the seed resource is not removed from view, even if it is of a type
selected for removal.
- Include displays the selected types in the topology.
- Tips
Reset or invert all filters: Click Reset to
switch all types back on, or click Invert to invert your selection of types
Hover to highlight: When a topology is displayed, hover over one of
the filtering type options to highlight them in the topology.
Topology history toolbar
Open and close the Topology history across the bottom of the screen using the
Timeline toggle on the Topology Visualization toolbar (top right corner). You
can also hide the Topology History toolbar by clicking X, which also returns
the topology to normal (update) mode.
- Timeline
- The Timeline toggle switches the topology between the 'update' mode and
the 'history' mode, which is displayed across the bottom of the screen.
- A topology is displayed in update mode by default with delta mode set to
- While viewing the timeline in update mode with delta mode set to Off,
only a single time pin is displayed. You can use the time pin to control the topology shown. When
you move a pin, the topology updates to show the topology representation at that time, and the
refresh rate is paused.
- If you toggle to view the topology data as a Tabular view, the date is
displayed above the table; you can click the date in order to set a new date, or return to the
current date.
- If you return to the current time, the data in the table is refreshed.
- If you choose to set a new date, the Choose a historical time dialog opens,
which lets you select a new moment in time (up to thirty days in the past); if you then switch back
from a tabular to a topology view, the time pin has moved accordingly.
- Delta mode
- You toggle delta mode on and off using the Delta switch above the
- When delta mode is On with the timeline toggle
Off, differences in topology are displayed via purple plus or minus symbols
next to the affected resource.
- When delta mode is On with timeline toggle On, you
can compare two time points to view differences in topology. Historical change indicators (blue
dots) are displayed next to each affected resource.
Note: For efficiency reasons, historical change
indicators are only displayed for topologies with fifty or fewer resources. You can reduce (but not
increase) this default by changing the value for the
Historical change
threshold setting as described in
Defining advanced topology settings.
- Lock time pin
- Click the Lock icon on a time pin's head to lock a time point in place as
a reference point, and then use the second time slider to view topology changes.
- Compare resource properties
- Click Resource details on a resource's context menu to compare the
resource's data at the two selected time points. You can view and compare the resource's property
names and values in table format, or JSON format (using the Show JSON
- While viewing the timeline in update mode with delta mode set to On, any
changes to the topology history are displayed on the right hand side of the timeline, with the time
pins moving apart at set intervals. By clicking the Reset to now icon, you
reset the endpoint to 'now' and the pins form a single line again.
- While in delta mode you can move both pins to show a comparison between the earliest pin and the
latest. The timeline shows the historic changes for a single selected resource, which is indicated
in the timeline title. You can lock one of the time pins in place to be a reference point.
- To view the timeline for a different resource, you click on it, and the heading above the
timeline changes to display the name of the selected resource. If you click on the heading, the
topology centers (and zooms into) the selected resource.
- The history timeline is displayed above a secondary time bar, which displays a larger time
segment and indicates how much of it is depicted in the main timeline. You can use the jump buttons
to move back and forth along the timeline, or jump to the current time.
- You can use the time picker, which opens a calendar and clock, to move to a specific second in
- To view changes made during a specific time period, use the two time sliders to set the time
period. You can zoom in and out to increase or decrease the granularity using the + and - buttons on
the right, or by double-clicking within a time frame. The most granular level you can display is an
interval of one second. The granularity is depicted with time indicators and parallel bars, which
form 'buckets' that contain the recorded resource change event details.
- The timeline displays changes to a resource's state, properties, and its relationships with
other resources. These changes are displayed through color-coded bars and dash lines, and are
elaborated on in a tooltip displayed when you hover over the change. You can exclude one or more of
these from display.
- Resource state changes
- The timeline displays the number of state changes a resource has undergone.
- Resource property changes
- The timeline displays the number of times that resource properties were changed.
- Each time that property changes were made is displayed as one property change event regardless
of whether one or more properties were changed at the time.
- Resource relationship changes
- The number of relationships with neighboring resources are displayed, and whether these were
- The timeline displays when relationships with other resources were changed, and also whether
these changes were the removal or addition of a relationship, or the modification of an existing
Update manager
If auto-updates have been turned off, the Update Manager informs you if
new resources have been detected. It allows you to continue working with your current topology until
you are ready to integrate the new resources into the view.
The Update Manager is displayed in the bottom right of the screen.
The Update Manager provides you with the following options:
- Show details
- Displays additional resource information.
- Render
- Integrates the new resources into the topology.
- Choosing this option will recalculate the topology layout based on your current display
settings, and may therefore adjust the displayed topology significantly.
- Cogwheel icon
- When clicked, provides you with quick access to change your user preferences:
- Enable auto-refresh: Switches auto-refresh back on, and disables the Update Manager.
- Remove deleted resources: Removes the deleted resources from your topology view when the
next topology update occurs.
- Hide
- Reduces the Update Manager to a small purple icon that does not obstruct your current topology
- When you are ready to deal with the new resources, click on the icon to display the Update
Manager again.
Map view
- View on map
- Click the Map icon to open a previously linked map in a separate window with the precise
location shown by latitude and longitude.
The map displays the resource pinned to the center of the map, and the
location pin indicates the highest severity (status) for the resource. Search and Filter
functionality remains available.
- Hover on the location pin to view a tooltip with the resource name, its icon and type.
- Click the pin to open the More details page for the resource.
- Use the mouse wheel (or Zoom in or Zoom out
buttons) to zoom in or out. Alternatively, double-click on the map to zoom in.
- Zoom out to view the selected resource as part of a cluster of nearby resources. The cluster
ring matches the highest severity (status) of the grouped resources.
A cluster displays
the number of resources it contains. When you hover your cursor over a cluster, the dispersal of
resources is indicated as a shape.Tip: The granularity of a cluster, that it, the number
of resources included in a cluster and at what pixel size, are
customizable settings.
- Click a cluster to zoom into the area of the clustered resources. Continue to drill down to the
location pins of individual resources.
- Use the Zoom fit button to adjust the size of the view to show all the
visible locations based on the current viewing criteria.