Rebuilding a topology

Once you have rendered a topology, you can search for (or define) a new seed resource and build a topology around it, change the number of hops rendered, and switch between element-to-element, host-to-host and element-to-host hop types.

Before you begin

To refine a topology, you must have previously defined a topology, as described in the Rendering (visualizing) a topology topic.
Note: You can change a topology if and as required while viewing or refining an existing topology.

About this task

Tip: For information on re-indexing the Search service, see the 'Re-indexing Search' information in the task troubleshooting section of this topic.


Change the hops, search for a resource, or rebuild a topology

From the Navigation toolbar, you can again search for a resource around which to build a topology, change the number of hops and the type of hop, and re-render the topology.
Topology search
If you conduct a resource search from the navigation toolbar with a topology already loaded, the search functionality searches the loaded topology as well as the topology database. For information on advanced query syntax, see the inventory query reference topic.
As you insert your cursor into the Search field, the five most recent searches are listed, and can be selected. You can delete a recent search by clicking the delete button (X) to the right of the suggested search, or click View all to display all recent searches. When viewing all recent searches, you can filter the results further using a Search field, or select them and then delete them from the Recent searches list.
As you type in a search term, a drop-down list is displayed that includes suggested search results, both from the topology database and from recent searches, with your entered text highlighted. You can search by name, tag, uniqueId, or entity type.
When you click a search result, the results are listed under the Favorites and All results sections, separated into services, Resource groups and Resources tabs, and search is closed.
For the results listed under In view resources:
  • If you hover over a search result in this section, the resource is highlighted in the topology window.
  • If you click on a search result, the topology view zooms in on that resource and closes the search.
Number of hops
The number of relationship hops to visualize from the seed resource, with the default set at 'one'.
You define the number of relationship hops to be performed, which can be from zero to a maximum of four, unless this setting has been customized.
See the Topology rendering section in the 'Defining advanced topology settings' topic for more information about customizing the maximum hop count.
Type of hop
The type of graph traversal used. The options are:
Host to host hop type
This type generates a view showing host to host connections.
Element to element hop type (default)
This type performs the traversal using all element types in the graph.
When a topology is viewed without a hop type defined, the element to element default view is displayed.
Element to host hop type
This type provides an aggregated hop view like the host to host type, but also includes the elements that are used to connect the hosts.
Tip: The URL captures the hopType as 'h2h', 'e2e', or 'e2h' and can therefore be shared via direct-launch URL string using the URL parameter, (for example hopType=e2e).
See Topology rendering for more information about changing the default hop type.
Filter toggle
Use this icon to display or hide the filter toolbar. You can filter resources that are displayed in the topology, or set filters before rendering a topology to prevent a large, resource-intensive topology from being loaded.
If a filter has been applied to a displayed topology, the text Filtering applied is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the topology.
This performs the topology visualization action, rendering the topology based on the settings in the navigation toolbar. Once rendered, the topology will refresh on a 30 second interval by default.
Refresh rate
You can pause the auto-update refresh, or select a custom interval.
The default configuration refresh rate is 60s.
From the Refresh rate drop-down, you can choose either 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, or Paused.
Tip: The UI can time out if a large amount of data is being received. For information on how to address this issue if a timeout message is displayed, see the timeout troubleshooting section in Rendering (visualizing) a topology.
Refresh configuration
Click the Refresh configuration icon to refresh the topology manually.
This action refreshes the topology data, and also clears all user-specific session data, thereby ensuring that any manual configuration changes imported by, for example, the REST API, are rendered and displayed immediately.