You can view a list of your services or details about them (such as their constituent
resource groups and resources) on the Resource management dashboard. From
there, you can edit them or render them as topology views.
Before you begin
In order to view a list of services, you must first have services defined. For more
information, see Defining and editing services.
Open the Resource management dashboard from the Home
page, or from the main navigation
- View and manage defined services, resource groups, or resources.
From the
Resource management page, you can view key details about each
service, view a list of favorite services or set them as favorites, assign predefined business
criticality values, and select to open a service page for each service to define, view, and manage
the service.
Search: You can
search for a specific service, resource group or resource.
Define service: This opens a new page to
define a service from the available resource groups and
On the Resource management page, services, resource groups and resources are
presented on separate tabs. In addition, the dashboard is divided into All service
results and Favorites sections. You can display favorite services
and resource groups either as cards or in a table. Resources are always displayed in a table, and
cannot be designated as favorites.
- Services
- Card view
- Summary cards display the name, icon, status, and tags for each of the services that you have
designated as a favorite.
- You can click View topology to render a topology view, or use the
overflow menu to deselect favorite status, edit or delete the service, assign a predefined business
criticality value, or view more details.
- Table view
- The table columns display the name, icon, status, tags, business criticality, and number of
resource groups for each of the services. You can click the service name to render a topology view,
use the heart icon to select it as a favorite, or use the overflow menu to edit or delete the
service, assign a business criticality, or view more
Tip: When viewing a service or resource group as a topology, you can click
Tabular view to display the topology in table format instead. From here, you
have access to additional information and can perform a number of tasks.
- Resource groups
- Card view
- Summary cards display the name, icon, status, and tags for each of the services or resource
groups that you have designated as a favorite.
- You can click View topology to render a topology view, or use the
overflow menu to deselect favorite status, assign a predefined business criticality value, or view
more details.
- Table view
- The table columns display the name, icon, type, status, tags, business criticality and number of
resources for each of the resource groups. You can click the resource group name to render a
topology view, select the heart icon to designate it as a favorite, or use the overflow menu to
assign a business criticality, or view more
Tip: When viewing a service or resource group as a topology, you can click
Tabular view to display the topology in table format instead. From here, you
have access to additional information and can perform a number of tasks.
- Resources
- The Resources tab lists the available resources in table format.
- To include deleted resources, use the Include deleted resources toggle.
- Table columns display the name, icon, status, type, tags and business criticality for a
resource. You can click the resource name to render a topology view, click More details to open the
Resource details window, click Assign criticality from
the overflow menu to assign a predefined business criticality, or view the resource on a map (if
What to do next
From the Resource management dashboard, you can designate services and
resource groups as favorites, edit a service, view more details, or open topology (or tabular) views
for your services, resource groups or resources.