Service descriptions for cloud systems
Learn about the service descriptions for statefulsets and deployments in cloud systems.
Service descriptions for statefulsets
The following table describes statefulsets and their functions.
Name | Function |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-cassandra | Cassandra database to store event and topology data. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-couchdb | CouchDB database to store runbook data and configuration data. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-ibm-redis-server | Redis, used as an in memory cache. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-spark-master | Apache Spark, to run analytics training jobs. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-spark-slave | Apache Spark, to run analytics training jobs. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-zookeeper | Distributed coordination service. |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-impactgui | Impact GUI |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-nciserver | Impact |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-ncobackup | Backup Object Server and Gateway |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-ncoprimary | Primary Object Server |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-openldap | Internal OpenLDAP |
statefulset.apps/evtmanager-webgui | WebGUI |
Service descriptions for deployments
The following table describes a list of some observers and their functions.
Name | Function |
deployment.apps/asm-operator | Operator to deploy topology. |
deployment.apps/cem-operator | Operator to deploy several cloud native microservices around event functionality. |
deployment.apps/noi-operator | Operator to deploy several cloud native microservices around event functionality. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-alert-action-service-alertactionservice | Service to test conditions against v2 policies and alerts from the datalayer IDUC feed. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-alert-trigger-service-alerttriggerservice | Service to take action on alerts, such as sending correlation actions for temporal patterns. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-common-dash-auth-im-repo-dashauth | Service to hold the Installation Manager repository to install on the on-premises DASH. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ea-noi-layer-eanoiactionservice | Service that updates events with CNEA enrichment actions in ObjectServer aggregation pair. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway | Service to send event data from ObjectServer to CNEA ingestion service for analytics. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-akora-app-cem | Overall UI app, based on React.js. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-brokers | Service responsible for setting up the details of the CEM/RBA service instance. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-cem-users | Service for managing users and groups from third-party repositories like LDAP. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-channelservices | Service to channel outgoing notifications. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-event-analytics-ui | UI for all analytics visualizations. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-eventpreprocessor | Service to preprocess events for webhook ingested events. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-incidentprocessor | Service for Incident API, policy management, and policy execution engine. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-integration-controller | Service to route incoming and outgoing integrations and manage them. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-normalizer | Service for normalizing data for webhook based integrations. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-notificationprocessor | Service to process notifications. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-rba-as | Service for all automation actions with runbooks. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-rba-rbs | Service for all runbook functionality. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-cem-scheduling-ui | Service for scheduling shifts of users. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-ea-asm-mime-eaasmmime | Service for calculating probable cause rankings. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-ea-asm-normalizer-normalizerstreams | Service to normalize topology status to an event payload that can be processed with v1 policies for enrichment and correlation. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-ea-mime-classification-eaasmmimecls | Service for event classification for probable cause detection. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-ea-ui-api-graphql | GraphQL for managing APIs for UIs. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-archivingservice | Service for event archival for analytics purposes. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-collater-aggregationservice | Central service that reads deduplicated actions that are generated by inference service, and creates supergroups and expires. Based on this analysis, it generates or forwards actions to the normalizer. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-dedup-aggregationservice | Reads actions from inference service and deduplicates actions for the collator. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-eventsqueryservice | API service for fetching event occurrences or instances from the historic archive. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-inferenceservice | Inferencing service that applies policies to events ingested into CNEA and generates actions. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-ingestionservice | API service for ingesting events into CNEA from gateway or other sources. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-normalizer-aggregationservice | Service that receives actions from collator, sorts, and batches them up for sending in the required performant order to the NOI action service. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-policyregistryservice | Service for registering and storing analytics policies. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-servicemonitorservice | Service to monitor internal services. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-trainer | Service to trigger training on Spark. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-hdm-common-ui-uiserver | AIOps UI Server (display the new UI). |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ibm-noi-alert-details-service | API service to create and fetch pattern enrichment details on events. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-metric-action-service-metricactionservice | Service to evaluate incoming data against trained metric models. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-metric-api-service-metricapiservice | Service to accept incoming data and to retrieve data with added baseline and anomalous information or to retrieve forecast data. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-metric-spark-service-metricsparkservice | Service to manage a Spark app, which processes the data and persistence to Cassandra. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ncodatalayer-agg-ir | Incident Management Workflow support service to relay the ObjectServer IDUC changes related to event tables to API service wrapper. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ncodatalayer-agg-irf | Incident Management Workflow support service to forward the specific ObjectServer change IDUC on non event tables to API service wrapper. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-ncodatalayer-agg-std | Incident Management Workflow API service wrapper around an ObjectServer aggregation pair. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-file-observer | Topology observer for file. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-kubernetes-observer | Topology observer for Kubernetes (Note: There are several more observers. They are all labeled topology-<observedtechnology>-observer). |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-layout | Read-only service used by the UI to obtain topology data by using a specified layout algorithm. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-merge | Service for processing merge rules. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-noi-gateway | Service for pulling data from ObjectServer in context of topology. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-noi-probe | Service for sending event data from topology. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-observer-service | Service to manage observer jobs and job schedules. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-rest-observer | Topology observer for REST. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-search | Service for processing topology search queries. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-servicenow-observer | Topology Observer for ServiceNow. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-status | Service that uses event data and drives state into the topology for resources that correspond to events. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-topology | Service to manage the graph database, ingress point for data from Observer integrations, brokers data to other services that includes search, merge, and observers. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-ui-api | Service for topology UI APIs. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-topology-vmvcenter-observer | Topology Observer for VMWare. |
deployment.apps/evtmanager-proxy |