Certificate expired error message

A Certificate has Expired error message might be displayed in the UI in the Resource Management or User configuration pages.


The certificate for connecting to the Postgres cluster expired. The Postgres operator auto-regenerates a new certificate after the old one expires. The new certificate needs to be used by the micro services. At the moment, the micro services get the certificate only at installation and do not handle the certificate rotation.


As a workaround, complete a rolling restart. A rolling restart brings up new pods before tearing down old ones to avoid a service outage.

oc delete pod -l name=noi-operator --namespace ${NAMESPACE}
oc rollout restart deployment asm-operator --namespace ${NAMESPACE}
oc rollout restart deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/component=aidl --namespace ${NAMESPACE}
oc rollout restart deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/component=usercfg --namespace ${NAMESPACE}
oc rollout restart deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/name=postgres-repl --namespace ${NAMESPACE}
oc rollout restart deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/name=inventory --namespace ${NAMESPACE}