Configuring EA NOI gateway triggers

When the EA NOI Gateway pod restarts, various OMNIbus triggers are reset.

Triggers starting cea_ (for example cea_insert, cea_reinsert. cea_update, and cea_gwconnect) are reset and reenabled every time the EA NOI Gateway pod restarts.

If you want to customize these triggers (for example, if you want to send events to the NOI EA Gateway when some field other than ScopeID is updated) complete the following steps:

  1. Stop triggers from being reset after the gateway restarts.
  2. Create a trigger with the appropriate custom changes.
  3. Create a procedure that disables the default trigger and enables the custom alternative trigger.
  4. Create a trigger to call the new procedure whenever the gateway connects to OMNIbus.

Stopping triggers from being reset after the gateway restarts

When the EA NOI Gateway pod restarts, various triggers are reset (for example cea_insert, cea_reinsert. cea_update, and cea_gwconnect ). To stop triggers from being reset after the gateway restarts, set the following field to false.
    ea-noi-layer.noieagateway.resetCEAGatewayTriggers: false

Creating a trigger with the appropriate custom changes

For more information, see Advanced customization of CNEA actions and Example custom trigger (advanced customizations) in CEAProcessType.

Creating a procedure that disables the default trigger

The following example disables cea_update and enables an alternative trigger called custom_cea_update:

create or replace procedure custom_cea_enable()
	-- Enable/ disable out-of-the-box vs. custom triggers
	alter trigger cea_update set enabled false;
	alter trigger custom_cea_update set enabled true;
	-- HERE: Add more  triggers, if needed ...

Creating a trigger to call the new procedure

Create a trigger to call the new procedure whenever the gateway connects to OMNIbus.
create or replace trigger custom_cea_gateway_connect
group custom_cea_triggers
priority 1
comment 'Enable custom triggers and disable ootb triggers on gateway connect'
on signal connect
when %signal.description = 'CEA Gateway Reader'
	execute procedure custom_cea_enable;