Configuring topology search

Before you can use the topology search capability, configure the IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus core and IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI components, the Gateway for Message Bus and Network Manager IP Edition.

Before you begin

Set up the environment for each product as follows:
  • Configure the event search capability, including the Gateway for Message Bus. See Configuring integration with Operations Analytics - Log Analysis. The topology search capability requires that the Gateway for Message Bus is configured to forward event data to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.
  • If your Operations Analytics - Log Analysis is upgraded from a previous version, migrate the data to your V1.3 instance. See one of the following topics:
  • Ensure that the ObjectServer that forwards event data to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis has the NmosObjInst column in the alerts.status table. NmosObjInst is supplied by default and is required for this configuration. You can use ObjectServer SQL commands to check for the column and to add it if it is missing, as follows.
    • Use the DESCRIBE command to read the columns of the alerts.status table.
    • Use the ALTER COLUMN setting with the ALTER TABLE command to add NmosObjInst to the alerts.status table.
    For more information about the alerts.status table, including the NmosObjInst column, see alerts.status table external link in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus documentation. For more information about ObjectServer SQL commands, see ObjectServer SQL command reference external link in the Netcool/OMNIbus documentation.
  • Configure the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI as follows:
    • Install the Netcool Operations Insight Extensions for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI package. IBM Installation Manager installs this package separately from the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI. It needs to be explicitly selected.
    • Check the server.init file to ensure that the scala* properties are set as follows:
      This configuration needed for new environments and for environments that are upgraded from versions of Operations Analytics - Log Analysis that are earlier than
    • Set up the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI Administration API client, which is needed to install the event list tooling that launches Operations Analytics - Log Analysis. See Setting up the WAAPI client external link in the Netcool/OMNIbus documentation.
  • Install and configure the Insight® Packs as follows:
    1. Install the OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.1. If your environment is upgraded from a previous version of Netcool Operations Insight, upgrade to this version of the Insight Pack. See Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack.
    2. Create a data source.
    3. Obtain and install the Network Manager Insight Pack See Installing the Network Manager Insight Pack.


  1. In $NCHOME/omnibus/extensions, run the nco_sql utility against the scala_itnm_configuration.sql file.
    ./nco_sql -user root -password myp4ss -server NCOMS < /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/extensions/scala/scala_itnm_configuration.sql
    Triggers are applied to the ObjectServer that delay the storage of events until the events are enriched by Network Manager IP Edition data from the NCIM database.
  2. If the Gateway for Message Bus is not configured to forward event data to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, perform the required configurations.1
  3. Install the tools and menus to launch the custom apps of the Network Manager Insight Pack in the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis UI from the WebGUI.
    In $WEBGUI_HOME/extensions/LogAnalytics, run the runwaapi command against the scalaEventTopology.xml file.
        $WEBGUI_HOME/waapi/bin/runwaapi -user username -password password -file scalaEventTopology.xml
    Where username and password are the credentials of the administrator user that are defined in the $WEBGUI_HOME/waapi/etc/waapi.init properties file that controls the WAAPI client.
  4. On the host where the Network Manager GUI components are installed, install the tools and menus to launch the custom apps of the Network Manager Insight Pack in the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis GUI from the Network Views.
    1. In $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/, set the topoviz.unity.customappsui property, which defines the connection to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.
      For example:
      # Defines the LogAnalytics custom App launcher URL 
    2. In the $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/menus/ncp_topoviz_device_menu.xml file, define the Event Search menu item.
      Add the item <menu id="Event Search"/> in the file as shown:
      <tool id="showConnectivityInformation"/>
                      <menu id="Event Search"/>
  5. Start the Gateway for Message Bus in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis mode.
    For example:
    $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_xml -propsfile $OMNIHOME/etc/G_SCALA.props
    The gateway begins sending events from Netcool/OMNIbus to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.

What to do next

  • Configure single sign-on (SSO) between the products.
  • Reconfigure your views in the IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI to display the NmosObjInst column. The tools that launch the custom apps of the Network Manager Insight Pack work only against events that have a value in this column. See Setting up views for event lists external link in the Netcool/OMNIbus documentation.
1 At a high-level, this involves the following:
  • Creating a gateway server in the Netcool/OMNIbus interfaces file
  • Configuring the G_SCALA.props properties file, including specifying the
  • Configuring the endpoint in the scalaTransformers.xml file
  • Configuring the SSL connection, if required
  • Configuring the transport properties in the file