Adding an ObjectServer event source

Add ObjectServer event sources to the realm of your Runbook Automation and Netcool®/Impact deployment.

Before you begin

  • On behalf of Runbook Automation, Netcool/Impact acts on events that are created in an ObjectServer. By default, one event source RBA_ObjectServer is configured that points to one particular ObjectServer. This event source is configured with a primary source and a backup source pair.
    You can configure Netcool/Impact to add more ObjectServer pairs into its realm so that a single Runbook Automation and Netcool/Impact deployment can act on the events from multiple ObjectServer pairs.
    Warning: Add ObjectServer event sources only after upgrading both Netcool/Impact and Runbook Automation to the software levels that support managing additional event sources:
    • Netcool/Impact or later. This is also contained in Netcool Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift® or later.
    • Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift or later.
  • When you create an event source, the script automatically adds _ObjectServer to the name of the specified event source. For example, if you set the name to Paris, the resulting event source name is Paris_ObjectServer.
  • If you do not have a backup ObjectServer, repeat the primary ObjectServer hostname as backup ObjectServer hostname. Also, repeat the primary ObjectServer port as backup ObjectServer port as parameters of the script.
  • Ensure the column ImpactFlag is already added to the alerts.status table of the ObjectServer, as described in step 4 of the procedure in Configuring the RBA_EventReader with an ObjectServer pair.
  • Before you add an event source, ensure that all the fields of the "alerts" table that your existing triggers refer to also exist in the "alerts" table of the new event source. Triggers use fields from the "alerts" table for defining filter conditions and for mapping event fields to runbook parameters. Once you have added one or more event sources, only the fields that are common to the "alerts" tables of all event sources (including the original event source "RBA_ObjectServer") are available for editing triggers.


  1. Make sure that the primary object server is running and can be contacted at <objectServerHostname> from the system where the Netcool/Impact server is running. This is because the add_eventSource command attempts to test the connection to the primary ObjectServer.
    For a Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift deployment, complete the following steps:
    • Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift infrastructure node. For example,
    • Run the following command:
      oc describe noi
      The command output contains a section for the "Impact servers" with a node name. For example,
    • Log in to the Netcool/Impact server node. Typically, you use the same root credential that you used to log in to the Red Hat OpenShift infrastructure node.
    • Verify that you can contact the ObjectServer. For example, ping
  2. Log in to the system where the Netcool/Impact server is installed.
    For a Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift deployment, complete the following steps to log in:
    • Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift infrastructure node. For example,
    • Run the following command:
      oc get pods | grep nciserver
      The command output contains the name of the Netcool/Impact server pod. For example, noi77-nciserver-0.
    • Open a shell within the Netcool/Impact server pod:
      kubectl exec <nciserver_pod_name> -ti -c nciserver -- bash
      For example:
      kubectl exec evtmanager-nciserver-0 -ti -c nciserver -- bash
      Warning: This shell closes automatically after 60 seconds of inactivity.
  3. Run the following commands:
    cd $IMPACT_HOME/install/cfg_addons/rba
    ./ <eventSourceName> <objectServerUser> <objectServerPassword> <objectServerHostname> <objectServerPort> <backupObjectServerHostname> <backupObjectServerPort>
    For example:
    cd $IMPACT_HOME/install/cfg_addons/rba
    ./ Paris root "" 4100 4100
  4. Change to the $IMPACT_HOME/etc directory and locate the <servername>_<eventSourceName>_eventreader.props file. Where <servername> is the name of your Netcool/Impact server instance, and where <eventSourceName> uses lowercase letters only.
    For example, the following command lists the NCI_0_paris_eventreader.props file:
    cd $IMPACT_HOME/etc
    ls -l *paris_eventreader.props
    Edit the <servername>_<eventSourceName>_eventreader.props file and add the following two properties, with the placeholder <eventSourceName> replaced with the name of the event source in lowercase letters (just like the names of the other properties in that file):
    Note: This step is analogous to the first steps of the procedure for the default RBA_ObjectServer event source that is described in Configuring the RBA_EventReader with an ObjectServer pair.
  5. Refresh the xxx_Status data type (where xxx is the eventSourceName):
    1. Log in to the Netcool/Impact UI.
    2. Click Data Model > xxx_ObjectServer > xxx_Status > Edit.
    3. Click Refresh Fields.
    4. Save the data type.
    5. Close the data type editor.
    Note: The command creates a new service xxx_EventReader. If no triggers are defined that use this new event source, the event reader log contains error messages such as this:
    01 Oct 2021 20:22:15,098 ERROR [AbstractEventReader] Error Initializing the Service.
    com.micromuse.response.event.EventException: Configuration Error. Cannot start the Service with no Event Filters
    You can ignore these messages.