Adding automations

Automations are used to run several steps automatically. Use the Automations page to create automations.

About this task

The job of an operator can involve repetitive tasks. For example, logon to DB2® or start server dagobert45. Automations are scripts or Ansible® templates that document these steps. If you use automations within your runbook then the operator does not have to manually run these steps. They can run all steps with one click.

For more information about how to create automations, see Creating an automation.

The runbook editor displays any created automations in the Automations pane.

Manual steps cannot contain automation elements. Automated steps must be added for automations.

It is common practice for automations to contain parameters. When adding automations to a runbook you must decide how the values of the automation parameters are filled by creating a parameter mapping. Select from the following options:
Use a runbook parameter
A runbook parameter, which can be filled via a Trigger from an event or manually by an operator executing the runbook, is used to fill the specific automation parameter. When adding an automation to a runbook, you can select existing runbook parameters or directly create a new runbook parameter.
Define a fixed value
The automation added to the step of a runbook will always be launched with a fixed value for the parameter. (If the same automation is used in a different runbook – another fixed value could be defined there.)
Use the default from the automation
If the automation defines a default value for this parameter, it is possible to use that value.
Use the output of a previous automation
The output of an automation that was added to a previous step can be used as input for the automation of the current step.
Use the logged in user
The parameter value will be filled with the username of the user, who is logged in to Runbook Automation at the time when the runbook is run.
Note: If the username contains the @ symbol, for example because the username is an email address, the @ symbol and all characters that follow it will be removed from the username.


  1. In the New (or edit) runbook editor, click Add automated step.
  2. Search for the automation. Click the search icon and type in the search term that describes the automation that you need.
  3. Choose the automation that you want and then click Select this automation.
  4. Select the parameter mapping type. A window opens with automation details and the parameter definitions. In the Mapping column, select how automation parameters are to be filled with values. You can choose from the following options:
    New runbook parameter
    Add a parameter. If default values are provided, update the default values as required. Enter a new parameter name and description.
    Fixed value
    An entry field is provided to enter the parameter value.
    (Existing) runbook parameter
    Select the parameter from the list of existing parameters.
    Use default
    Use the default value set by the automation.
    Automation output
    Use the automation output from a previous runbook step. The output value of the automation will be used as the parameter value for the current automation. Note, if the automation in the previous runbook step is a script automation or a HTTP automation then you can filter the output of that automation as described in Creating Script automations or Creating HTTP automations, respectively. This option is only available if the runbook contains a previous step with an automation.
    Use logged in user
    Select this option to fill the parameter value with the username of the user who is logged in to Runbook Automation at the time when the runbook is run.
    Note: If the username contains the @ symbol, for example because the username is an email address, the @ symbol and all characters that follow it will be removed from the username.

What to do next

Edit parameter configuration
If you want to edit the parameter configuration of your automation, select the automation and click Change parameter mappings edit. Change your settings and click Apply.
Automation with errors
If the automation is decorated with an error symbol, then the parameter settings are not correct. Click Change parameter mappings edit to correct the parameter settings.
Delete an automation
If you want to remove the automation, click Remove selection delete.