A merge rule copies particular properties of a resource into the resource's
mergeTokens property. Resources which contain the same merge token will be
merged so that they are treated as a single 'composite' resource. In this way, the topologies from
different data sources can be connected.
About this task
Different observers deployed as part of the Agile Service Manager
solution may record and then display the same resource as two (or more) resources. To prevent this,
you create a merge rule that ensures that the separate records of the same resource share values in
their tokens set, which then triggers the merge service to create a single composite resource
vertex. Composite, merged resources are displayed in the Topology Viewer as a single resource, which
includes the properties of all merged resources. Merge rules are applied to a resource in an
observer job before it is sent to the topology service.
Rules can be managed using the Rules REST API in the Merge Service. For each Agile Service
Manager observer, merge rules control which tokens are considered merge tokens. Live Swagger
documentation for merge rules is
https://<your host>/1.0/merge/swagger/#/Rules
On the Details section of the
New merge rule (or Edit merge rule) page, you define the
name, status and tokens for the rule.
- Enter a name, which must be unique within the context of the tenant.
cannot change the name of an existing rule. If you want a rule to have a different name, create a
new rule, then delete the old one.
- Toggle the rule status to be either Enabled or
Observers will only apply rules which are in an enabled
- Define merge tokens for the rule, then click Add+.
The tokens defined as part of a rule contain the list of shared resource parameter names that
will become merge tokens for those resources to which the rule is applied. Merge tokens can be
constructed using variable substitutions, which allow you to combine more than one property value in
a token and also combine them with literal strings, as shown in
this example.
Important: The tokens are the shared elements that the duplicate records to be merged have in
- Select observers to which this rule applies from the Observer name
Leave empty to apply the rule to all observers.
- Select providers to which this rule applies from the Provider name
Leave empty to apply the rule to all providers.
- Select resource types to which this rule applies from the Resource
type drop-down.
Leave empty to apply the rule to all resource
- Set the Token filter mode to either Exclude or
Include, then define a filter in the format of a regular expression. You can
set more than one filter.
- Exclude
- Tokens which match any one of the expressions will not be applied to resources.
- Include
- Only tokens which match one of the expressions will be applied to the applicable resources.
- Validate you filters using the Validate token filters
- Click Save.
Default merge rule for the Docker Observer:
The following example is the default merge rule defined for the Docker Observer:
- name: dockerId
ruleType: mergeRule
ruleStatus: enabled
tokens: [ dockerId ]
entityTypes: null
observers: [ docker-observer ]
providers: null
- name: almExternalId
ruleType: mergeRule
ruleStatus: enabled
tokens: [ externalId ]
entityTypes: null
observers: [ alm-observer ]
providers: null
Notice that the rules name in this example is
dockerId, and
that it applies only to instances of observers named
docker-observer. The ruleType property
here specifies the
mergeRule rule type. This merge rule applies to all entity types and all
providers and will copy the
dockerId property into the merge tokens for all resources that
have this property set.
Sample rules for merging resources:
A composite resource has its own unique identifier, and the merged resources continue to exist
separately. The following example shows the individual and composite resources when retrieved from
the topology
Resources API.
- Resource one
- https://<your_NASM_host>/1.0/topology/resources/ABC
"_id": "ABC",
"name": "host1",
“propertyAbc”: “This property only exists on ABC”,
"entityTypes": [ "host" ],
"tokens": [ "host1MergeToken" ],
"_compositeId": "XYZ"
- The resource has an id of ABC, and the value of compositeId denotes the single, merged resource,
which is XYZ.
- Resource two
- https://<your host>/1.0/topology/resources/DEF
"_id": "DEF",
"name": "host1",
“propertyDef”: “This property only exists on DEF”,
"entityTypes": [ "host" ],
"tokens": [ "host1MergeToken" ],
"_compositeId": "XYZ"
- The resource has an id of DEF, and the value of compositeId denotes the single, merged resource,
which is XYZ.
- Composite resource
- https://<your_NASM_host>/1.0/topology/resources/XYZ
"_id": "XYZ",
"name": "host1",
“propertyAbc”: “This property only exists on ABC”,
“propertyDef”: “This property only exists on DEF”,
"entityTypes": [ "host" ],
"tokens": [ "host1MergeToken" ],
"_compositeOfIds": [ "ABC", "DEF " ]
- The resource has an id of XYZ, and the value of compositeOfIds lists the ids of the merged
resources, in this case ABC and DEF. The XYZ composite resource includes the properties from both of
the merged resources.
- Resource with variable substitutions and exclude list
"name": "sysNameMatching",
"tokens": [ "sysName", "${name}/${customField}"],
"ruleStatus": "enabled",
"entityTypes": [ "host", "server" ],
"observers": [ "ITNM", "TADDM" ],
"providers": [ "*" ],
"customField": "string",
"excludeTokens": [ "^asm-default.*"]
- The
value set for excludeTokens ensures that any values that
match the regular expressions are excluded.
- The merge token with the value of
combine the
and ${customField}
properties using the
syntax, and demonstrate how variable substitutions work.
- Literal values are entered as they are in the merge token, which in this case is the
- To be backwards compatible, tokens consisting of a single value, as in the
example, are treated as variable substitutions, that is, as if they are
Tip: You can also view composite resources in the live Swagger Composite API in the
Merge Service, which returns the properties of the composite itself, and provides methods to get all
composite vertices: https://<your
What to do next
You can find more information on merge rules at the following blog post: