Event Search count and timestamp hover help translation issues

Event Search count and timestamp hover help are not rendered into a non-English language in some charts.


This issue affects the OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.1. The following texts are not rendered into a non-English language and appear in English only.
  • Hover help for time stamp and count in stacked bar charts, heat maps and pie charts
  • Legend for the Count field in the Hotspots by Node and AlertGroup chart and Hotspots by AlertGroup and Severity chart of the xxxOMNIbus Static Dashboard custom app
  • Legend for the Count field in the Last Day - Hotspots by AlertGroup and Severity chart, 'Last Day - Event Storm by Node chart, and Last Day - Hotspots by Node and AlertGroup of the OMNIbus Dynamic Dashboard custom app


There is no resolution for this issue.