Online starter installation of Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift

If you are a trial user of Netcool® Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift®, or you want a proof-of-concept deployment that does not require a sustained workload, then consider a starter installation. Use a starter installation to get a smaller, nonproduction deployment up and running quickly. If you require an air-gapped deployment, there is no starter installation method and you must complete an offline installation.

If you require a production deployment, see Installing.

Before you begin

Provision a cluster that meets the following requirements.


  • The installation is a fully containerized deployment.
  • The starter installation installs Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift, and does not install IBM® Cloud Pak for AIOps, IBM Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Integrations, or IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps metric anomaly detection.
  • Changing a trial deployment type to a production deployment is not supported.

Installation procedure

Follow these steps to install Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift.

1. Install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Container Platform

For more information about the supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions, see System requirements on cloud.

Install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform by using the instructions in Installing Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Opens in a new tab.

2. Install the Red Hat OpenShift CLI

Install the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform command line interface (oc) on your cluster's boot node and run oc login. For more information, see Getting started with the OpenShift CLI external icon in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

3. Configure storage

Configure your own storage for use with Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift. For more information, see Storage.

4. Create a custom project (namespace)

Create a project (namespace) called cp4aiops-emgr for your Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift deployment, by running the following command:
oc create namespace cp4aiops-emgr

5. Create the entitlement key pull secret

  1. Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library external icon with the IBMid and password details that are associated with the entitled software.
  2. In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy your entitlement key to the clipboard.
  3. From the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform CLI, run the following command.
    oc create secret docker-registry noi-registry-secret \
        --docker-password=<entitlement-key> \ \
    Where <entitlement-key> is the entitlement key that you copied in the previous step.

6. Ensure external traffic access to Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift

To allow traffic, run the following command to ensure that the endpointPublishingStrategy.type parameter in your ingresscontroller is set to HostNetwork.
if [ $(oc get ingresscontroller default -n openshift-ingress-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.endpointPublishingStrategy.type}') = "HostNetwork" ]; then oc patch namespace default --type=json -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/metadata/labels","value":{"":"ingress"}}]'; fi

7. Download the CASE

  1. Download and install version 1.11.2 or later of IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM Cloud® Paks for your host operating system from Version 1.10.0 or earlier is also supported. Versions 1.11.0 and 1.11.1 are not supported. Extract the binary file by entering the following command:
    tar -xf oc-ibm_pak-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  2. Run the following command to move the file to the /usr/local/bin directory:
    mv oc-ibm_pak-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/oc-ibm_pak
    Note: If you are installing as a nonroot user, you must use sudo.
  3. Confirm that the oc ibm-pak is installed by running the following command.
    oc ibm-pak --help
    Expected result: The plug-in usage is displayed.
  4. Note: If you want to install the previous 1.6.11 version, specify --version 1.11.0 in the oc ibm-pak get command.
    Download the Netcool Operations Insight CASE bundle (ibm-netcool-prod) to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  5. Check that the CASE repository URL is pointing to the default location by running the oc ibm-pak config command.

    Example output:

    Repository Config
    Name                        CASE Repo URL
    ----                        -------------
    IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo *
    If the repository is not pointing to the default location (asterisk indicates default URL), then run the following command.
    oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo' --enable
    If the URL is not displayed, then add the repository by running the following command.
    oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak Github Repo' --url
  6. Run the following commands.
    export CASE_NAME=ibm-netcool-prod
    export CASE_VERSION=1.12.0
    Download the Netcool Operations Insight CASE bundle (ibm-netcool-prod) to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    oc ibm-pak get $CASE_NAME --version $CASE_VERSION

8. Create the catalog source

Install the catalog source and set the recursive flag and input directory.
oc ibm-pak launch \
--version $CASE_VERSION \
--namespace openshift-marketplace \
--inventory noiOperatorSetup \
--action install-catalog \
--args "--recursive --inputDir $HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION"

9. Install the Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift operator

Install the operator and set the recursive flag and input directory.
oc ibm-pak launch \
--version $CASE_VERSION \
--namespace $TARGET_NAMESPACE \
--inventory noiOperatorSetup \
--action install-operator \
--args "--recursive --inputDir $HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION"

Where $TARGET_NAMESPACE is the custom namespace to be used for your deployment.

10. Install Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift

Create an instance of the Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift custom resource.
  1. From the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform OLM UI, go to Operators > Installed Operators, and select IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps Event Manager. Under Provided APIs > NOI select Create Instance.
  2. Use the Form view to configure the properties for the deployment, and select Create. For more information, see Cloud operator properties.