Configuring device synchronization
You configure device synchronization to enable Netcool® Configuration Manager to use Network Manager for network device discovery.
Before you begin
During Netcool Configuration Manager 6.4.2 installation you are asked if the product is to be integrated or not. If you select Yes the installer will ask the necessary questions to set up the configuration of device synchronization between Netcool Configuration Manager and Network Manager.
A default value of 24 hours (1440mins) is defined in the Netcool Configuration Manager file for the periodic synchronization with Network Manager. For the initial synchronization, a large number of devices may already have been discovered by Network Manager, and it can take a considerable time before they are imported into Netcool Configuration Manager. (This also applies in a situation where the discovery scope is widened so that a significant number of new devices are added to Network Manager.) Consequently the devices may not yet appear in the NMENTITYMAPPING table in the Netcool Configuration Manager database, and therefore the context tools (right-click tools) from Network Manager will not be available for those devices.Tip: You can reduce this time by editing the file, and changing the mapping period to
60 (for example). This will speed up the process by which devices are added
to the autodiscovery queue on Netcool Configuration Manager, but will not change
the actual time to import each device configuration.
- If the password for the itnmadmin user has changed on Network Manager, update the locally stored copy on Netcool Configuration Manager as follows:
- Use the icosadmin script located in /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/bin.
About this task
The configuration is stored in the file located in the following directory: <ncm-install-dir>/config/properties/
Network Manager:
#####Note: Complete URL = baseURL+uri+uriProps&uriParam
NMEntityMappingComponent/delay=10 ## delay on startup before first run
NMEntityMappingComponent/period=1440 ## Daily (in minutes)
NMEntityMappingComponent/passwd=netcool ## Optional: Install stores securely
Note: You
can edit this file and the component configuration properties after
install if requirements change.
Before device synchronization runs for the first time ensure that the Network Manager Rest API user (in our example 'itnmadmin') has the ncp_rest_api role in DASH.
Device synchronization is now done by a new core component of Netcool Configuration Manager, and is therefore
part of Netcool Configuration Manager
Component configuration and started automatically when Netcool Configuration Manager starts. Component
start up is configured in
Note: The
NMEntityMappingComponent is configured by default so if you wish to stop it being started on
Netcool Configuration Manager startup you
can comment it out in the config.xml file.
Note: There is a limit of 50 imported devices per
Realm in Netcool Configuration Manager. If
there are more devices than this in a Network Manager domain, they will be added
to sub-realms (labeled 001, 002, etc) in Netcool Configuration Manager.
- Troubleshooting NM Component
- Verify that the component has started in file:
<NCM_INSTALL_DIR>/logs/Server.out Fri Jul 31 13:30:06 GMT+00:00 2015 - Starting component : NMEntityMappingComponent Fri Jul 31 13:30:06 GMT+00:00 2015 - All components started