Filtering runbooks

Filter by status, groups, or tags to easily locate runbooks.


  • Click Library.
  • To filter for runbook status, select one or more items in the Status filter. The filter matches any selected status (or condition).
    Note: Filtering for status Draft displays runbooks that have never been published. Draft versions of already published runbooks are not displayed.
  • To filter for groups, select one or more items in the Group filter. The filter matches any selected group (or condition).
  • To filter for tags, select one or more items in the Tag filter. All tags must match to apply the filter (and condition).
  • To filter for authors, select one or more authors in the Authors filter. The filter matches any selected Authors.
  • If a combination of several filters is used, all filters must match to apply the filter (and condition).
  • Additionally, you can filter by runbook name using the Search field.

    The search field searches by using regular expressions. If you want to search for special characters that are used by regular expressions, for example plus (+), asterisk (*), question mark (?), brackets ( () [] {} ), or backslash (\), you must escape those characters. For example, if you want to search for (T), you must enter \(T\) as the search string.

    Note: The filter drop-down list displays up to 50 available filtering options. You can start typing the name of the filter option that you are looking for. As you type, the list displays only items that contain the typed text.


Only runbooks that match the specified filter are displayed.