The SolarWinds Orion platform provides network and system management products. You can
set up an integration with Netcool® Operations Insight® to
receive alert information from SolarWinds Orion.
Before you begin
Event management supports integration with the Network Performance
Monitor and Server and Application Monitor products of the SolarWinds Orion platform. Event
management supports Out-Of-The-Box Alerts (OOTBA) for the following common objects in SolarWinds:
- Application
- Component
- Group
- Interface
- Node
- Volume
You can check the object type of each alert in Alert Manager by
looking at the Property to Monitor column for an alert.
If you enable
an unsupported alert type, event information might still be sent to event management, but the event title will state
Unsupported SolarWinds object
About this task
Using an XML file, you set up an integration with SolarWinds Orion, and define trigger and reset
actions for alerts. The alerts generated by SolarWinds Orion are sent to Netcool Operations Insight as events.
Click New integration.
Go to the SolarWinds tile and click
Enter a name for the integration.
Click Download file to download the
send-alert-cem.xml file. This file contains the settings required for the
integration with Netcool Operations Insight, including the webhook URL.
- If you edit the integration later and click to download the file again, the current integration
will no longer be valid. You will need to set up the integration again.
- The download file contains credential information and should be stored in a secure
- Click Save to save the integration in Netcool Operations Insight.
Upload the XML file to the Alert Manager in SolarWinds Orion:
- Log in to your SolarWinds Orion account as an administrator.
- Go to ALERTS & ACTIVITY in the menu bar in the window and
select Alerts from the list.
- Click Manage alerts.
- Go to EXPORT/IMPORT in the menu bar in the window and select
Import Alert from the list.
- Upload the send-alert-cem.xml you downloaded earlier from
event management.
Note: A new alert called Notify CEM - timestamp is
created, together with the associated trigger and reset actions Post Problem Event to CEM
- timestamp and Post Resolution Events to CEM -
timestamp, where timestamp is in the UTC format.
The Notify CEM alert contains settings for the integration between event management and SolarWinds. It is disabled by default
and is not intended to be enabled.
Define trigger and reset actions for the alerts you want event management to receive event information from:
- In Alert Manager, click the alert you want to edit, and go to
- Click the Assign Action(s) button.
- Select the Post Problem Event to CEM -
timestamp check box and click
- Click Next to go to the RESET ACTION
- Click the Assign Action(s) button.
- Select the Post Resolution Events to CEM -
timestamp check box and click
- Click Next and then click
Attention: If you create more than one SolarWinds integration instance, ensure you
select the correct trigger and reset actions for each integration. For example, for your first
integration select
Post Problem Event to CEM - timestamp1
Post Resolution Events to CEM - timestamp1, while for
your second integration select
Post Problem Event to CEM -
timestamp2 and
Post Resolution Events to CEM -
Tip: You can also define the trigger and reset actions for more than one alert at the
same time. For the trigger action, select the check box for the alerts and select Assign
Trigger Action from the ASSIGN ACTION list. Then select the
Post Problem Event to CEM - timestamp check box and click
ASSIGN. For the reset action, select the check box for the same alerts and
select Assign Reset Action from the ASSIGN ACTION
list. Then select the Post Resolution Events to CEM -
timestamp check box and click ASSIGN.
- To enable the alert, set Enabled (On/Off) to
On in the appropriate rows for the alerts you want to receive event
information from.
- To start receiving alert information from the SolarWinds Orion triggers and reset
actions, verify that Enable event management from this
source is set to On..
24-JUN-2020 Post 1.6.1 conref work