Installing Network Manager IP Edition and Netcool Configuration Manager

Install Network Manager IP Edition and Netcool® Configuration Manager to form the basis of the Networks for Operations Insight® feature.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have installed and configured the base products and components of Netcool Operations Insight, including IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus, Netcool/Impact, and Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, and the associated components and configurations. See Supported products for Networks for Operations Insight.
  • Obtain the following information about the ObjectServer:
    • ObjectServer name, for example, NCOMS
    • Hostname and port number
    • Administrator user ID
    • Administrator password
  • Obtain the following information about your Db2® database:
    • Database name
    • Hostname and port number
    • Administrator user ID with permissions to create tables
    • Administrator user password
  • Obtain the packages from IBM Passport Advantage®. For information about the eAssembly numbers you need for the packages, see link.
  • Obtain the latest supported fix packs for Network Manager IP Edition and Netcool Configuration Manager from IBM Fix Central, at Fix Central external icon . For information on the product and component versions supported in the current version of Netcool Operations Insight including supported fix packs, see On-premises components.
  • Ensure that a compatible version of Python is installed on this server before you start. On Linux®, Network Manager IP Edition core components require version 2.6 or 2.7 of Python to be installed on the server where the core components are installed. On AIX®, Network Manager IP Edition requires version 2.7.5 of Python.

About this task

These instructions describe the options that are presented in the Installation Manager in wizard mode. Other modes are also available with equivalent options.


  1. Start Installation Manager and install the following packages:
    Package Description
    Network Manager Core Components Version V4.2.0.19

    Installs the Network Manager IP Edition core components, sets up connection to the specified ObjectServer, sets up connection to the database to be used for the NCIM topology and creates the tables (needs to be selected), creates Network Manager IP Edition default users, sets up network domain, and configures the details for the poller aggregation.

    For more information, see link.

    The Network Manager IP Edition core components can be installed on server 4 of a fresh installation scenario, as described in Performing a fresh installation.

    Network Manager GUI Components Version V4.2.0.19

    Installs the Network Manager IP Edition GUI components, sets up connection to the specified ObjectServer, sets up connection to the NCIM topology database, and sets up the default users.

    For more information, see link.

    The Network Manager IP Edition GUI components can be installed on server 3 of a fresh installation scenario, as described in Performing a fresh installation. The GUI components of other products in the solution, Netcool Configuration Manager, and Reporting Services would also be on this host.

    Network Health Dashboard V4.2.0.19

    Installs the Network Health Dashboard.

    Installing the Network Health Dashboard installs the following roles, which allow users to work with the Network Health Dashboard:
    • ncp_networkhealth_dashboard
    • ncp_networkhealth_dashboard_admin
    • ncp_event_analytics

    The new Network Health Dashboard is only available if you have Network Manager as part of Netcool Operations Insight. The Network Health Dashboard monitors a selected network view, and displays device and interface availability within that network view. It also reports on performance by presenting graphs, tables, and traces of KPI data for monitored devices and interfaces. A dashboard timeline reports on device configuration changes and event counts, enabling you to correlate events with configuration changes. The dashboard includes the Event Viewer, for more detailed event information.

    Note: The Network Health Dashboard must be installed on the same host as the Network Manager IP Edition GUI components.
    Network Manager Reports V4.2.0.19

    Installs the reports provided by Network Manager IP Edition that you can use as part of the Reporting Services feature.

    Reporting Services requires a Db2 database to store its data. This database must be running during installation. If the database is installed on the same server as Reporting Services, the installer configures the database during installation. If the database is on a different server, you must configure the database before you install Reporting Services. In a fresh installation scenario, as described in Performing a fresh installation, where the Db2 database is on a different server, you must set up the remote Db2 database for Reporting Services as follows:

    1. From the Jazz® for Service Management package, copy the script to the server where Db2 is installed.
    2. Run the following command:
      ./ database_name db2_username

      Where database_name is the name you want for the Reporting Services database, and db2_username is the user name to connect to the content store, that is, the database owner (db2inst1).

    3. Copy the generated SQL script to a temporary directory and run it against your Db2 instance as the Db2 user (db2inst1), for example:
      $ cp tcr_create_db2_cs.sql /tmp/tcr_create_db2_cs.sql
      $ su – db2inst1 –c "db2 -vtf /tmp/tcr_create_db2_cs.sql"
    Netcool Configuration Manager V6.4.2.20

    Installs the Netcool Configuration Manager components and loads the required database schema. For Server Installation Type, select Presentation Server and Worker Server to install both the GUI and worker servers.

    For more information, see link.

    The Netcool Configuration Manager components can be installed on server 3 of a fresh installation scenario, as described in Performing a fresh installation.

    For more information about fix pack 2, see link.

    Reporting Services environment

    Installs the reports provided by Netcool Configuration Manager (ITNCM-Reports) that you can use as part of the Reporting Services feature.

  2. Apply the latest supported Network Manager IP Edition and Netcool Configuration Manager fix packs.
    For information on the product and component versions supported in the current version of Netcool Operations Insight including supported fix packs, see On-premises components.
  3. On the host where the Network Manager GUI components are installed, install the tools and menus to launch the custom apps of the Network Manager Insight Pack in the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis GUI from the Network Views.
    1. In $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/, set the topoviz.unity.customappsui property, which defines the connection to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.
      For example:
      # Defines the LogAnalytics custom App launcher URL 
    2. In the $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/menus/ncp_topoviz_device_menu.xml file, define the Event Search menu item.
      Add the item <menu id="Event Search"/> in the file as shown:
      <tool id="showConnectivityInformation"/>
                      <menu id="Event Search"/>
  4. Optional: Follow the steps to configure the integration between Network Manager IP Edition and Netcool Configuration Manager as described in Configuring integration with Netcool Configuration Manager.


The ports used by each installed product or component are displayed. The ports are also written to the $NCHOME/log/install/Configuration.log file.

What to do next

  • Search on IBM Fix Central for available interim fixes and apply them. See Fix Central external icon .