Hybrid operator properties

Learn about the operator properties that can be configured for your hybrid installation.

The following table displays the properties in alphabetical order. Where no value is given, the default for that parameter in the YAML file is empty.

Installation properties for a hybrid installation

The following table lists the installation properties that are required specifically for a hybrid installation.

Note: For more information about other properties that are common to both hybrid and cloud deployments, see Cloud operator properties.
Note: Ensure that you use the correct format when you insert the storage sizes. The correct format is, for example, "100Gi". Invalid characters or incorrect syntax for the parameters are not allowed.
Table 1. Installation properties required specifically for a hybrid installation
Property Description Default
dash.crossRegionUrls Cross region URLs. For more information, see HAproxy configuration and Setting up high availability disaster recovery in a hybrid deployment. []
dash.trustedCAConfigMapName Configmap containing CA certificates to be trusted. For more information, see Configuring authentication.  

URL of the DASH server, for example, protocol://fully.qualified.domain.name:port.

High availability icon For load balanced environments, use the URL of the load balancer.

dash.username Username for connecting to on-premises DASH.  

Enablement of healthcron cronjob. For high availability disaster recovery (HADR) and geo-redundant deployments, set to false on both the primary and the backup clusters.


Proxy URLs by comma separation. Necessary on the backup cluster (optional on primary) if you want to activate the Disaster Recovery (DR) service. For more information, see HAproxy configuration.


To enable and disable SSL, check for the connection with primary deployment.

Note: Valid for backup deployment only.


A name of configmap with root certificates for proxies.

Note: Valid for backup deployment only.


Numbers of check for primary availability need to be done before backup to take charge as acting primary.

Note: Valid for backup deployment only.


Interval between each check to primary availability. The value is in milliseconds.

Note: Valid for backup deployment only.

helmValuesNOI.ibm-ea-dr-coordinator-service.coordinatorSettings.logLevel Log level for coordinator service. DEBUG
objectServer.backupHost Hostname of the backup ObjectServer.  
objectServer.backupPort Port number of the backup ObjectServer. 4100
objectServer.deployPhase This setting determines when the OMNIbus CNEA schema is deployed. install
objectServer.primaryHost Hostname of the primary ObjectServer.  
objectServer.primaryPort Port number of the primary ObjectServer. 4100
objectServer.sslRootCAName This is used to specify the CN name for the CA certificate.  
objectServer.sslVirtualPairName Only needed when you set up an SSL connection to the ObjectServer pair.  
objectServer.username Username for connecting to the on-premises ObjectServer. root
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Hostname of the backup host for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Port for backup host for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Deploy phase for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.
Note: If you set the objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionUsername value to connect to a non-root user, you must set the objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionDeployPhase value to none and pre-configure the ObjectServer schema. For more information, see Configuring the probe and gateway for a hybrid system.
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Hostname of the primary host for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Port of the primary host for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: This parameter is used to specify the CN name for the CA certificate. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: This parameter is only needed when setting up an SSL connection to the ObjectServer pair. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.  
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
asm-tracking #4008 and #4199
Optional: Username for connecting to the collection layer of the on-premises ObjectServer. Currently, applies only to the topology analytics probe.
Note: If you set the objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionUsername value to connect to a non-root user, you must set the objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionDeployPhase value to none and pre-configure the ObjectServer schema. For more information, see Configuring the probe and gateway for a hybrid system.
webgui.url URL of the WebGUI server, for example:
Note: Ensure that /webtop is included at the end of the WebGUI server URL.

High availability icon For load balanced environments, use the load balancer host and port.

Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
Sept 2020 #6893