
This glossary provides terms and definitions for the IBM® Netcool® Operations Insight® software and products.

The following cross-references are used in this glossary:
  • See refers you from a nonpreferred term to the preferred term or from an abbreviation to the spelled-out form.
  • See also refers you to a related or contrasting term.


active time window
The active time window is the seasonal time window in which the current event, the event currently being viewed in the live event list, occurs. An event can have multiple seasonal time windows, but only one active time window.
assignment operator
An operator that sets or resets a value to a variable. See also operator.


Boolean operator
A built-in function that specifies a logical operation of AND, OR or NOT when sets of operations are evaluated. The Boolean operators are &&, || and !. See also operator.
boot node
A node that is used for running installation, configuration, node scaling, and cluster updates.


command execution manager
The service that manages remote command execution through a function in the policies.
command line manager
The service that manages the command-line interface.
comparison operator
A built-in function that is used to compare two values. The comparison operators are ==, !=, <, >, <= and >=. See also operator.
control structure
A statement block in the policy that is run when the terms of the control condition are satisfied.
controller node
A node that provides management services and controls the worker nodes in a cluster. Controller nodes host processes that are responsible for resource allocation, state maintenance, scheduling, and monitoring.


database (DB)
A collection of interrelated or independent data items that are stored together to serve one or more applications. See also database server.
database event listener
A service that listens for incoming messages from an SQL database data source and then triggers policies based on the incoming message data.
database event reader
An event reader that monitors an SQL database event source for new and modified events and triggers policies based on the event information. See also event reader.
database server
A software program that uses a database manager to provide database services to other software programs or computers. See also database.
data item
A unit of information to be processed.
data model
An abstract representation of the business data and metadata that is used in an installation. A data model contains data sources, data types, links, and event sources.
data source
A repository of data to which a federated server can connect and then retrieve data by using wrappers. A data source can contain relational databases, XML files, Excel spreadsheets, table-structured files, or other objects. In a federated system, data sources seem to be a single collective database.
data type
An element of a data model that represents a set of data that is stored in a data source, for example, a table or view in a relational database.
See database.
dynamic link
An element of a data model that represents a dynamic relationship between data items in data types. See also link.


email sender
A service that sends email through a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server.
An occurrence of significance to a task or system. Events can include completion or failure of an operation, a user action, or the change in state of a process.
event processor
The service responsible for managing events through event reader, event listener, and email reader services. The event processor manages the incoming event queue and is responsible for sending queued events to the policy engine for processing.
event reader
A service that monitors an event source for new, updated, and deleted events, and triggers policies based on the event data. See also database event reader, standard event reader.
event source
A data source that stores and manages events.
A condition or event that cannot be handled by a normal process.


A set of one or more adjacent characters that comprise a unit of data in an event or data item.
A device or program that separates data, signals, or material in accordance with specified criteria. See also LDAP filter, SQL filter.
Any instruction or set of related instructions that performs a specific operation. See also user-defined function.


generic event listener
A service that listens to an external data source for incoming events and triggers policies based on the event data.
graphical user interface (GUI)
A computer interface that presents a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often of a desktop, by combining high-resolution graphics, pointing devices, menu bars and other menus, overlapping windows, icons, and the object-action relationship. See also graphical user interface server.
graphical user interface server (GUI server)
A component that serves the web-based graphical user interface to web browsers through HTTP. See also graphical user interface.
See graphical user interface.
GUI server
See graphical user interface server.


hibernating policy activator
A service that is responsible for waking hibernating policies.


infrastructure node
A Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform client machine. It is also required for Docker installation and Docker image hosting as part of a IBM Cloud Platform Common Services installation and configuration.
Draft comment: DEIRDRELAWTON
#2965 DL March 2020
instant messaging reader
A service that listens to external instant messaging servers for messages and triggers policies based on the incoming message data.
instant messaging service
A service that sends instant messages to instant messaging clients through a Jabber server.
See Netcool/Impact policy language.


Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC)
An industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java platform and a wide range of databases. The JDBC interface provides a call level interface for SQL-based and XQuery-based database access.
Java Message Service (JMS)
An application programming interface that provides Java language functions for handling messages.
See Java Database Connectivity.
See Java Message Service.
JMS data source adapter (JMS DSA)
A data source adapter that sends and receives Java Message Service (JMS) messages.
See JMS data source adapter.


key expression
An expression that specifies the value, which one or more key fields in a data item must have, to be retrieved in the IPL.
key field
A field that uniquely identifies a data item in a data type.


See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
LDAP data source adapter (LDAP DSA)
A data source adapter that reads directory data that is managed by an LDAP server. See also Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
See LDAP data source adapter.
LDAP filter
An expression that is used to select data elements at a point in an LDAP directory tree. See also filter.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
An open protocol that uses TCP/IP to provide access to directories that support an X.500 model. This protocol does not incur the resource requirements of the more complex X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP). For example, LDAP can be used to locate people, organizations, and other resources in an Internet or intranet directory. See also LDAP data source adapter.
An element of a data model that defines a relationship between data types and data items. See also dynamic link, static link.


mathematic operator
A built-in function that performs a mathematic operation on two values. The mathematic operators are +, -, *, / and %. See also operator.
mediator DSA
A type of data source adaptor that allows data that is provided by third-party systems, devices, and applications to be accessed.


Netcool/Impact policy language (IPL)
A programming language used to write policies.



Operators are software extensions for packaging, deploying, and managing Kubernetes applications. For more information, see Operator pattern external link in the Kubernetes documentation and What are operators external link in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

A built-in function that assigns a value to a variable, performs an operation on a value, or specifies how two values are to be compared in a policy. See also assignment operator, Boolean operator, comparison operator, mathematic operator, string operator.


A set of rules and actions that are required to be performed when certain events or status conditions occur in an environment.
policy activator
A service that runs a specified policy at intervals that the user defines.
policy engine
A feature that automates the tasks that the user specifies in the policy scripting language.
policy logger
The service that writes messages to the policy log.
See Post Office Protocol.
Post Office Protocol (POP)
A protocol that is used for exchanging network mail and accessing mailboxes. This protocol downloads email locally.
precision event listener
A service that listens to the application for incoming messages and triggers policies based on the message data.


The regular occurrence of an event at specific intervals. Seasonal events tend to occur at specific times, such as a particular day of the week, day of the month, hour of the day, or some combination of these; for example, a certain day and hour.
seasonal time window
The time when a seasonal event occurs, for example, between 2am and 3am on Fridays.
security manager
A component that is responsible for authenticating user logins.
self-monitoring service
A service that monitors memory and other status conditions and reports them as events.
A component that is responsible for maintaining the data model, managing services, and running policies.
A runnable subcomponent that the user controls from within the graphical user interface (GUI).
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
An internet application protocol for transferring mail among users of the internet.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
A set of protocols for monitoring systems and devices in complex networks. Information about managed devices is defined and stored in a Management Information Base (MIB). See also SNMP data source adapter.
See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
See Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNMP data source adapter (SNMP DSA)
A data source adapter that allows management information that is stored by SNMP agents to be set and retrieved. It also allows SNMP traps and notifications to be sent to SNMP managers. See also Simple Network Management Protocol.
See SNMP data source adapter.
socket DSA
A data source adapter that allows information to be exchanged with external applications that use a socket server as the brokering agent.
SQL database DSA
A data source adapter that retrieves information from relational databases and other data sources that provide a public interface through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). SQL database DSAs also add, modify, and delete information that is stored in these data sources.
SQL filter
An expression that is used to select rows in a database table. The syntax for the filter is similar to the contents of an SQL WHERE clause. See also filter.
standard event reader
A service that monitors a database for new, updated, and deleted events and triggers policies based on the event data. See also event reader.
static link
An element of a data model that defines a static relationship between data items in internal data types. See also link.
string concatenation
In REXX, an operation that joins two characters or strings in the order that is specified, forming one string whose length is equal to the sum of the lengths of the two characters or strings.
string operator
A built-in function that performs an operation on two strings. See also operator.


Temporal group
Events belong to a temporal group when the analytics algorithm determines that they occur together, that is within a short predefined timeframe of each other, several times over the lifetime of a defined set of historical event data.
Temporal policy
A temporal policy is based on an identified temporal group and defines a rule for grouping events when they occur together several times.


user-defined function
A custom function that can be used to organize code in a policy. See also function.


A representation of a changeable value.


web services DSA
A data source adapter that exchanges information with external applications that provide a web services application programming interface (API).


XML data source adapter
A data source adapter that reads XML data from strings and files, and reads XML data from web servers over HTTP.