Unable to validate authorization

The Error 500: java.io.IOException: Unable to validate authorization error might appear when you export analytics data.


Exporting analytics data is prevented, and the Error 500: java.io.IOException: Unable to validate authorization error appears.


This error might appear when you export analytics data.

Sometimes the error is caused because the GUI server can't access the name server, such as if the server is locked for updates.


  1. Edit the server.props file on the GUI server.
  2. Set the impact.noi.export.hostname variable to the hostname of the back-end Impact server.
  3. Edit the $IMPACT_HOME/etc/<server>_nameserver.props file on the GUI server.
  4. Add the impact.nameserver.defaultcluster string property.
  5. Set this string property to the name of the installed cluster. The default cluster name is NCICLUSTER. If this installation uses a different cluster name, set this property to the actual cluster name.
  6. Restart both the GUI server and the back-end server.