Sorting a related events view

Within a related events view, it is possible to sort the information that is displayed.

Before you begin

Within the View Related Events portlet, select the tab view where you want to apply the sorting.

About this task

Sorting by single column or multiple columns is possible within either the Configuration, Group or Event table. Sorting within the Group or Event table can be done independently or in parallel by using the sorting arrows that display in the table column headings. When you apply sorting within the Configuration table the configuration hierarchy disappears, but the configuration hierarchy reappears when you remove sorting. For more details about rollup information, see Adding columns to seasonal and related event reports.

Sorting by single column or multiple columns is possible within the Configuration, Group Sources, Groups or Event table. Sorting within the Groups or Event table can be done independently or in parallel by using the sorting arrows that display in the table column headings. When you apply sorting within the Configuration table the configuration hierarchy disappears, but the configuration hierarchy reappears when you remove sorting. For more details about rollup information, see Adding columns to seasonal and related event reports.


  1. In either the Configuration, Group or Event table, hover the mouse over a column heading. Arrows are displayed, hover the mouse over the arrow, one of the following sort options is displayed.
    • Click to sort Ascending
    • Click to sort Descending
    • Do not sort this column
  2. In either the Configuration, Group Sources, Groups or Event table, hover the mouse over a column heading. Arrows are displayed, hover the mouse over the arrow, one of the following sort options is displayed.
    • Click to sort Ascending
    • Click to sort Descending
    • Do not sort this column
  3. Left-click to select and apply your sort option, or left-click a second or third time to view and apply one of the other sort options.
  4. For sorting by multiple column, apply a sort option to other column headings. Sorting by multiple columns is not limited, as sorting can be applied to all columns.


The ordering of your applied sort options, is visible when you hover over column headings. The sorting options that you apply are not persistent across portlet sessions when you close the portlet the applied sorting options are lost.