Using tabular view
You can display the details for a resource, resource group or service in a tabular view. For resources, you can also view these details at a selected time in history.
About this task
- Tabular view
- If you click Tabular view to display a topology in table format, it lists the name, type, resource alerts, tags and business criticality for each resource.
- If you have used the Timeline to select a date in the past for a specific
resource before opening the Tabular view, that date is displayed above
the table. You can click the date in order to set a new date, or return to the current date.
- If you return to the current time, the data is refreshed.
- If you choose to set a new date, the Choose a historical time dialog opens, which lets you select a new moment in time up to the data retention limit set for your system (the default is thirty days in the past); if you then switch back from a tabular to a topology view, the time pin has moved accordingly.
- Filter
- Dynamically filter the table by typing names, types or tags into the Search field.
Note: Elements that are not displayed when viewing service resources in tabular format, such as relationship types, are not available for filtering.
- Share
- You can share a link to the service in tabular format with another user.
- Additional functionality
- You can perform a number of activities from the overflow menu of each displayed item in the table, such as viewing related incidents, comments or more details, showing the item in a map, assigning business criticality, opening it in the topology viewer, or building a template.
Remember: If you are displaying a tabular view at a historical point in time, any resource details you access will be from that moment.
- Click Resource details on the overflow menu. Note: The resource details accessed via a tabular view differ from the resource details accessed from the Resource management page.The Resource details page has a number of tabs.
- Properties tab
- Displays a window that shows all the current stored properties for the specified resource in tabular and JSON format.
- If a property has been excluded from view by an administrator, it is only visible in JSON format.
- The resource name is an active link that opens a topology view of the resource in context.
- Toggle the Show JSON switch On or Off to display the properties in JSON format.
- Data origin tab
- Displays the point of origin of the resource data, such as a specific observer job.
- If you have the appropriate user permission, such as the administrator role, the observer job name is an active link, which opens the observer job page from where you can re-run the job, view its history, or edit the job.
- Related applications
- Displays all related applications as active links, which open the service topologies in new windows.
- Also lists the group type, number of groups, status, and tags.
- Related resource groups
- Displays all related resource groups as active links, which open the resource group topologies in new windows.
- Also lists the resource type, number of resources, status, and tags.
- Neighbor resources
- Displays all neighboring resources in a table.
- Click a resource name to open the details page for the resource.
- Click Comments on the overflow menu to access the commenting
- Comments
- When selected, this displays any comments recorded against the resource.
- By default, resource comments are displayed by date in ascending order. You can sort them in the
following way:
- Oldest first
- Newest first
- User Id (A to Z)
- User Id (Z to A)
- Users with the inasm_operator role can view comments, but not add any. Users with inasm_editor or inasm_admin roles can also add new comments. See the Configuring DASH user roles topic for more information on assigning user roles.
- To add a new comment, enter text into the New comment field, and then click Add comment to save.
- Click Build a template on the overflow menu to access the template
- Build a template
- Opens the Create a new template dialog, from where you can create a new resource group template.
- Click Open in Topology viewer on the overflow menu to open a
resource as a topology view. From here, you can drill into individual resource details and status, enable a timeline to view changes over time, and more. You can also use this view to triage issues. See Viewing a topology for more details.