NOIHybrid is the schema for the noihybrids
For more information about installation parameters, see Installing Netcool Operations Insight.
By installing this product, you accept the license terms .
Property | Type | Description |
apiVersion |
String | APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an
object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value and might reject
unrecognized values. For more information, see Resources |
Property | Type | Description |
kind |
String | kind is a string value representing the REST resource that this object
represents. Servers might infer this value from the endpoint the client submits requests to. This
value cannot be updated. In camel case. For more information, see Types (Kinds) |
Property | Type | Description |
metadata |
Object | No description |
Property | Type | Description |
spec |
Object | NOIHybridSpec defines the desired state of NOIHybrid. |
spec.advanced |
Object | Advanced properties |
spec.advanced.antiAffinity |
Boolean | To prevent primary and backup server pods from being installed on the same worker node, select this option. |
spec.advanced.imagePullPolicy |
String | The default pull policy is IfNotPresent , which causes the Kubelet to skip
pulling an image that already exists. |
spec.advanced.imagePullRepository |
String | Docker registry that all component images are pulled from. |
spec.backupRestore |
Object | BackupRestore property |
spec.backupRestore.enableAnalyticsBackups |
Boolean | No description |
spec.clusterDomain |
String | Use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to specify the cluster domain:
apps.<clustername>.*.*.com . |
spec.dash |
Object | Dash properties |
spec.dash.crossRegionUrls |
Array | List containing HAProxy and Dash URL pairs for cross-region failover. |
spec.dash.trustedCAConfigMapName |
String | Configmap containing CA certificates to be trusted when the WebSphere® Application Server is accessed. |
spec.dash.url |
String | URL of the DASH server, such
as protocol:// . |
spec.dash.username |
String | Username for connecting to on-premises DASH. |
spec.deploymentType |
String | Deployment type (trial or production) |
spec.entitlementSecret |
String | Entitlement secret to pull images. |
spec.helmValuesASM |
Object |
To be used as an attribute of your Go Spec object. Example type: This attribute allows your custom resource to have a Example custom resource apiVersion: These values are then available to the GO templating example. |
spec.helmValuesCEM |
Object |
To be used as an attribute of your Go Spec object. Example type: This attribute allows your custom resource to have a helmValues object that mimics your helm values file. Example custom resource apiVersion:
In this example, it will either be a string or another map of string to interface:
These values are then available to the GO templating example. |
spec.helmValuesNOI |
Object | Add more helm values that aren't shown within the porcelain. |
spec.ingress |
Object | [DEPRECATED] Ingress properties |
spec.ingress.class |
String | No description |
spec.ingress.enabled |
Boolean | No description |
spec.ingress.prefix |
String | No description |
spec.integrations |
Object | Integration properties |
spec.integrations.humio |
Object | Humio properties |
spec.integrations.humio.repository |
String | To enable Humio search integrations, provide the Humio Repository for your Humio instance. |
spec.integrations.humio.url |
String | To enable Humio search integrations, provide the Humio Base URL of your Humio instance (on-premises or cloud). |
spec.license |
Object | License properties |
spec.license.accept |
Boolean |
You read and accepted the license terms |
spec.objectServer |
Object | ObjectServer properties |
spec.objectServer.backupHost |
String | Hostname of the backup ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.backupPort |
String | Port number of the backup ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer |
Object | CollectionLayer contains Object Server Collection Layer properties. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionBackupHost |
String | Hostname of the backup Collection Layer of ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionBackupPort |
String | Port number of the backup Collection Layer of ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionDeployPhase |
String | This setting determines when the OMNIbus cloud native analytics schema is deployed to the Collection Layer of on-premises ObjectServer. It can be one of none, preinstall, and install. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionPrimaryHost |
String | Hostname of the primary Collection Layer of ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionPrimaryPort |
String | Port number of the primary Collection Layer of ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionSslRootCAName |
String | This value is used to specify the CN name for the CA certificate (SSL only). If you use OMNIbus CA certs, this value can be omitted. Support for 3rd party CA certificates. |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionSslVirtualPairName |
String | Needed when you set up an SSL connection to a collection ObjectServer. This value can have
the name COL_V_1 . |
spec.objectServer.collectionLayer.collectionUsername |
String | Username for connecting to the Collection Layer of an on-premises ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.deployPhase |
String | This setting determines when the OMNIbus cloud native analytics schema is deployed to the on-premises ObjectServer. It can be one of none, preinstall, and install. |
spec.objectServer.primaryHost |
String | Hostname of the primary ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.primaryPort |
String | Port number of the primary ObjectServer. |
spec.objectServer.sslRootCAName |
String | This value is used to specify the CN name for the CA certificate (SSL only). If you use OMNIbus CA certs, this value can be omitted. Support for 3rd party CA certificates. |
spec.objectServer.sslVirtualPairName |
String | Only needed when you set up an SSL connection to an aggregate ObjectServer that does not
have the name AGG_V . Otherwise, leave blank. |
spec.objectServer.username |
String | Username for connecting to on-premises ObjectServer. |
spec.persistence |
Object | Persistence properties |
spec.persistence.enabled |
Boolean | Enable persistence storage. |
spec.persistence.storageClassCassandraBackup |
String | Storage class Cassandra Backup |
spec.persistence.storageClassCassandraData |
String | Storage class Cassandra Data |
spec.persistence.storageClassCouchdb |
String | Couchdb Storage class |
spec.persistence.storageClassKafka |
String | Storage class Kafka |
spec.persistence.storageClassMinio |
String | Storage class MinIO |
spec.persistence.storageClassPostgresql |
String | PostgreSQL Storage class |
spec.persistence.storageClassPostgresqlWal |
String | PostgreSQL WAL Storage class |
spec.persistence.storageClassSharedSpark |
String | Storage class shared Spark |
spec.persistence.storageClassZookeeper |
String | Storage class Zookeeper |
spec.persistence.storageSizeCassandraBackup |
String | Storage size Cassandra Backup |
spec.persistence.storageSizeCassandraData |
String | Storage size Cassandra Data |
spec.persistence.storageSizeCouchdb |
String | Couchdb Storage size |
spec.persistence.storageSizeKafka |
String | Storage size Kafka |
spec.persistence.storageSizeMinio |
String | Storage size MinIO |
spec.persistence.storageSizePostgresql |
String | PostgreSQL Storage size |
spec.persistence.storageSizePostgresqlWal |
String | PostgreSQL WAL Storage size |
spec.persistence.storageSizeSharedSpark |
String | Storage size shared Spark |
spec.persistence.storageSizeZookeeper |
String | Storage size Zookeeper |
spec.postgresql |
Object | PostgreSQL properties |
spec.postgresql.backups |
Object | Backup settings | |
Object | Backup data configuration | |
String | Compression type | |
String | Encryption type | |
Integer | Number of parallel jobs |
spec.postgresql.backups.destinationPath |
String | The path to the folder where your backups are stored. |
spec.postgresql.backups.enabled |
Boolean | Taking of backups (enabled or not). |
spec.postgresql.backups.endpointCA |
Object | Endpoint CA Configuration |
spec.postgresql.backups.endpointCA.enabled |
Boolean | Custom Endpoint CA enabled | |
String | Name of Endpoint CA secret |
spec.postgresql.backups.endpointURL |
String | S3 Endpoint address |
spec.postgresql.backups.onetimeBackup |
Object | Onetime Backup configuration |
spec.postgresql.backups.onetimeBackup.enabled |
Boolean | Onetime backup enabled |
spec.postgresql.backups.retentionPolicy |
String | How long to retain backups. |
spec.postgresql.backups.s3Credentials |
Object | S3 Credentials |
spec.postgresql.backups.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessKeyID |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_KEY_ID . |
spec.postgresql.backups.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessSecretKey |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_SECRET_KEY . |
spec.postgresql.backups.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessSessionToken |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_SESSION_TOKEN . |
spec.postgresql.backups.s3Credentials.secretName |
String | The name of the secret that contains the access keys and secrets |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup |
Object | Scheduled Backup configuration |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup.backupOwnerReference |
String | The OwnerReference for the ScheduledBackup |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup.enabled |
Boolean | Scheduled backups enabled |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup.immediate |
Boolean | Whether to take the first backup immediately or start when the schedule says to start. |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup.schedule |
String | The schedule for taking backups |
spec.postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup.suspend |
Boolean | Whether to suspend taking backups. |
spec.postgresql.backups.serverName |
String | The main folder name |
spec.postgresql.backups.wal |
Object | WAL Configuration |
spec.postgresql.backups.wal.compression |
String | WAL Compression type |
spec.postgresql.backups.wal.encryption |
String | WAL Encryption type |
spec.postgresql.backups.wal.walMaxParallel |
Integer | Maximum number of jobs to run in parallel while WAL files are archived. |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap |
Object | Bootstrap settings |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.clusterName |
String | The name of the folder in your S3 bucket that contains the backup to bootstrap from. |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.destinationPath |
String | The path to the folder containing your backups |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.enabled |
Boolean | Enable cluster bootstrap. |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.endpointURL |
String | S3 Endpoint address |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials |
Object | S3 Credentials |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessKeyID |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_KEY_ID . |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessSecretKey |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_SECRET_KEY . |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials.keyNameAccessSessionToken |
String | The name of the key corresponding to ACCESS_SESSION_TOKEN . |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials.secretName |
String | The name of the secret that contains the access keys and secrets |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.wal |
Object | WAL Configuration |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.wal.compression |
String | WAL Compression type |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.wal.encryption |
String | WAL Encryption type |
spec.postgresql.bootstrap.wal.walMaxParallel |
Integer | Maximum number of jobs to run in parallel while the WAL files are archived. |
spec.postgresql.edbPostgresImage |
String | To override the image used by edb-postgres , provide a valid image path
here. |
spec.postgresql.edbPostgresLicenseImage |
String | To override the image used by the edb-postgres license injection job,
provide a valid image path here. |
spec.postgresql.edbPostgresSubscriptionName |
String | If you manually created the EDB Postgres Subscription with the CLI, provide the name here. |
spec.postgresql.replication |
Object | Replication settings |
spec.postgresql.replication.caConfigMap |
String | Configmap containing CA certificates for Red Hat® OpenShift® routers of both primary and secondary clusters |
spec.postgresql.replication.enabled |
Boolean | Enable cluster replication. |
spec.postgresql.replication.primary |
Boolean | Whether this cluster is the primary cluster. |
spec.postgresql.replication.registrationURL |
String | Registration URL of the primary cluster. Needed only in the secondary cluster. |
spec.serviceContinuity |
Object | ServiceContinuity (DR) properties |
spec.serviceContinuity.continuousAnalyticsCorrelation |
Boolean | No description |
spec.serviceContinuity.isBackupDeployment |
Boolean | No description |
spec.topology |
Object | Topology properties |
spec.topology.aaionap |
Boolean | Do you want to deploy the AAI ONAP Service? |
spec.topology.appDisco |
Object | Application Discovery |
spec.topology.appDisco.certSecret |
String | Application Discovery Certificate Secret (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.db2archuser |
String | Application Discovery Db2® Archive user (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.db2database |
String | Application Discovery Db2 Database name (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.db2user |
String | Application Discovery Db2 user (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.dbport |
String | Application Discovery Db2 Port (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.dbsecret |
String | Application Discovery Db2 secret (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.dburl |
String | Application Discovery Db2 host to connect (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.enabled |
Boolean | Enable Application Discovery and Application Discovery Observer. |
spec.topology.appDisco.scaleDS |
String | Application Discovery Scaling for Discovery Server (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.scaleSSS |
String | Application Discovery Scaling for Secondary Storage Server (If Application Discovery is enabled.) | |
Boolean | Application Discovery Secure DB connection (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.appDisco.tlsSecret |
String | Application Discovery TLS Secret (If Application Discovery is enabled.) |
spec.topology.netDisco |
Boolean | Enable Network Discovery and Network Discovery Observer. |
spec.topology.observers |
Object | Topology Observers |
spec.topology.observers.alm |
Boolean | Enable ALM Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.ansibleawx |
Boolean | Enable Ansible® AWX Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.appdynamics |
Boolean | Enable AppDynamics Topology Observer. | |
Boolean | Enable AWS Topology Observer. | |
Boolean | Enable Azure Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.bigcloudfabric |
Boolean | Enable BigCloud Fabric Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.bigfixinventory |
Boolean | Enable BigFix Inventory Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.cienablueplanet |
Boolean | Enable CienaBluePlanet Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.ciscoaci |
Boolean | Enable CiscoAci Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.contrail |
Boolean | Enable Contrail Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.datadog |
Boolean | Enable Datadog Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.dns |
Boolean | Enable DNS Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.docker |
Boolean | Enable Docker Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.dynatrace |
Boolean | Enable Dynatrace Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.file |
Boolean | Enable File Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.gitlab |
Boolean | Enable GitLab Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.googlecloud |
Boolean | Enable GoogleCloud Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.hpnfvd |
Boolean | Enable HPNFVD Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.ibmcloud |
Boolean | Enable IBMCloud Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.itnm |
Boolean | Enable IBM® Tivoli® Network Manager Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.jenkins |
Boolean | Enable Jenkins Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.junipercso |
Boolean | Enable JuniperCSO Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.kubernetes |
Boolean | Enable Kubernetes Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.newrelic |
Boolean | Enable NewRelic Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.openstack |
Boolean | Enable OpenStack Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.rancher |
Boolean | Enable Rancher Topology Observer. | |
Boolean | Enable Rest Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.sdconap |
Boolean | Do you want to deploy SDC ONAP Observer? |
spec.topology.observers.servicenow |
Boolean | Enable ServiceNow Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.sevone |
Boolean | Enable SevOne® Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.taddm |
Boolean | Enable Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.viptela |
Boolean | Enable Viptela Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.vmvcenter |
Boolean | Enable VMVcenter Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.vmwarensx |
Boolean | Enable VMWareNSX Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.observers.zabbix |
Boolean | Enable Zabbix Topology Observer. |
spec.topology.storageClassCassandraBackupTopology |
String | [DEPRECATED] Storage class Cassandra Backup. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageClassCassandraDataTopology |
String | [DEPRECATED] Storage class Cassandra Data. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageClassFileObserver |
String | File Observer Storage class. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageSizeCassandraBackupTopology |
String | [DEPRECATED] Storage size Cassandra Backup. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageSizeCassandraDataTopology |
String | [DEPRECATED] Storage size Cassandra Data. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageSizeFileObserver |
String | File Observer Storage size. Production only. |
spec.topology.storageSizeSdconapObserver |
String | SDC ONAP Observer Storage size. Production only. |
spec.version |
String | Version |
spec.webgui |
Object | WebGUI properties |
spec.webgui.url |
String | URL of the WebGUI server,
such as
protocol:// |
Property | Type | Description |
status |
Object | NOIHybridStatus contains the observed state of the installed existing
on-premises solution. |
status.managedResources |
Array | Resources managed by Netcool |
status.message |
String | Information on the current status of IBM Netcool Operations Insight |
status.phase |
String | Current phase of the installed existing on-premises solution. |
status.versions |
Object | Information on versions for Netcool Operations Insight |
status.versions.available |
Object | Available properties |
status.versions.available.versions |
Array | Possible available versions for Netcool Operations Insight |
status.versions.reconciled |
String | The current version of the reconciled instance |