Displaying overall network view availability

You can monitor overall availability of chassis devices within a selected network view using the Percentage Availability widget.

About this task

To display overall availability of chassis devices within a selected network view, proceed as follows:


  1. Network Health Dashboard
  2. In the Network Health Dashboard, select a network view from the network view tree in the Network Views at the top left. The other widgets update to show information based on the network view that you selected.
    In particular, the Percentage Availability widget updates to show overall availability of chassis devices in network view. A second tab, called "Network View", opens. This tab contains a dashboard comprised of the Network Views GUI, the Event Viewer, and the Structure Browser, and it displays the selected network view. You can use this second tab to explore the topology of the network view that you are displaying in the Network Health Dashboard.

    For information about specifying which network view tree to display in the Network Health Dashboard, see Configuring the network view tree to display in the Network Health Dashboard.

  3. In the Percentage Availability widget, proceed as follows:
    The Percentage Availability widget displays 24 individual hour bars. Each bar displays a value, which is an exponentially weighted moving average of ping results in the past hour; the bar only appears on the completion of the hour. The bar value represents a percentage availability rate rather than a total count within that hour. The color of the bar varies as follows:
    • Green: 80% or more.
    • Orange: Between 50% and 80%.
    • Red: Less than 50%.