Data sources for the Network Health Dashboard widgets

Use this information to understand from where the Network Health Dashboard widgets retrieve data. This information might be useful for troubleshooting data presentation issues in the Network Health Dashboard.

Configuration and Event Timeline widget

This widget is populated by the following integrations:
  • Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus integration that analyzes Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus events and shows a count based on event severity in a specified period.
  • Netcool Configuration Manager integration that that retrieves configuration change distribution.

Percentage Availability widget

The data source for this widget is the historical poll data table pdEwmaForDay. The widget displays data from the device poll PingResult from the pdEwmaForDay table, scoped as follows:
  • Scope is the selected network view if called from the Network Health Dashboard
  • Scope is the in-context devices or interfaces if called from a right-click command within a topology map.
Note: The widget is updated only at the end of the hour to which the data applies.

Top Performers widget

The data sources for this widgets are the various historical poll data tables:
  • pdEwmaForDay
  • pdEwmaForWeek
  • pdEwmaForMonth
  • pdEwmaForYear
The scope of the data is as follows:
  • Scope is the selected network view if called from the Network Health Dashboard
  • Scope is the in-context devices or interfaces if called from a right-click command within a topology map.

Unavailable Resources widget

This widget is populated by a Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus integration that analyzes Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus events and uses the event data to determine whether a device or interface is affected, and whether the issue is ICMP or SNMP-based.