Configuring the Unavailable Resources widget

As a user of the Network Health Dashboard, you can configure which availability data is displayed in the Network Health Dashboard by the Unavailable Resources widget. For example you can configure the widget to display availability data based on ping polls only, and not based on SNMP polls. You can also configure the time duration thresholds to apply to availability data displayed in this widget. For example, by default the widget charts the number of device and interface availability alerts that have been open for up to ten minutes, more than ten minutes, and more than one hour. You can change these thresholds.

About this task

To configure which availability data is displayed by the Unavailable Resources widget, proceed as follows:


  1. Network Health Dashboard
  2. In the Unavailable Resources widget, click User Preferences User Preferences button.
  3. To configure the Unavailable Resources widget, use the following checkboxes and number steppers:
    Configure which device alerts to monitor in the Unavailable Resources widget in order to retrieve information on device availability. By default all of these boxes are checked.
    Device Ping
    Check the box to monitor Default Chassis Ping alerts. Selecting this option causes the Unavailable Resources widget to provide an indication of the number of open device ICMP (ping) polling alerts.
    SNMP Poll Fail
    Check the box to monitor SNMP Poll Fail alerts. Selecting this option causes the Unavailable Resources widget to provide an indication of the number of open SNMP Poll Fail alerts.
    Configure which interface alerts to monitor in the Unavailable Resources widget in order to retrieve information on interface availability. By default all of these boxes are checked.
    Interface Ping
    Check the box to monitor Default Interface Ping alerts. Selecting this option causes the Unavailable Resources widget to provide an indication of the number of open interface ICMP (ping) polling alerts.
    Link State
    Check the box to monitor SNMP Link State alerts. Selecting this option causes the Unavailable Resources widget to provide an indication of the number of open SNMP Link State alerts.
    Specify an upper threshold in minutes. By default, the upper threshold is set to one hour (sixty minutes). This threshold causes the chart in the Unavailable Resources widget to update as follows: when the amount of time that any availability alert in the selected network view remains open exceeds the one hour threshold, then the relevant bar in the Unavailable Resources chart updates to show this unavailability as a blue color-coded bar section.
    Specify a lower threshold in minutes. By default, the lower threshold is set to ten minutes. This threshold causes the chart in the Unavailable Resources widget to update as follows: when the amount of time that any availability alert in the selected network view remains open exceeds the ten minute threshold, then the relevant bar in the Unavailable Resources chart updates to show this unavailability as a as a pink color-coded bar section.