Update gateway settings

Learn how to update your on-premises ObjectServer gateway settings with cloud native components mappings to enable bidirectional data replication.

About this task

Use the following steps to configure replication of cloud native components fields in the on-premises bidirectional aggregation ObjectServer gateway AGG_GATE. This step must be completed as the last step of the hybrid installation to make sure that the ObjectServer schemas match in the cloud native components deployment and in the on-premises Operations Management installation.


  1. On the server that you installed the on-premises aggregation gateway on, edit the on-premises gateway map definition file: $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.map. Append the following to the CREATE MAPPING StatusMap entry:
    # CEA Cloud Event Analytics
    'AsmStatusId' = '@AsmStatusId',
    'LastOccurrenceUSec' = '@LastOccurrenceUSec',
    'CEAAsmStatusDetails' = '@CEAAsmStatusDetails',
    'CEACorrelationKey' = '@CEACorrelationKey',
    'CEACorrelationDetails' = '@CEACorrelationDetails',
    'CEAIsSeasonal' = '@CEAIsSeasonal',
    'CEASeasonalDetails' = '@CEASeasonalDetails',
  2. On the server that you installed the on-premises aggregation server on, edit the on-premises gateway map definition file: $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.map. Append the following new mapping entries to the file:
    # CEA Cloud Event Analytics Mapping
    'Name' = '@Name' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'CharValue' = '@CharValue',
    'IntValue' = '@IntValue'
    'SiteName' = '@SiteName' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'CEACorrelationKey' = '@CEACorrelationKey' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'Identifier' = '@Identifier',
    'CustomText' = '@CustomText',
    'CustomTimestamp' = '@CustomTimestamp',
    'CustomWeight' = '@CustomWeight',
    'HighImpactWeight' = '@HighImpactWeight',
    'HighImpactText' = '@HighImpactText',
    'HighCauseWeight' = '@HighCauseWeight',
    'HighCauseText' = '@HighCauseText'
    'CEACorrelationKey' = '@CEACorrelationKey' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'LastOccurrence' = '@LastOccurrence',
    'Identifier' = '@Identifier',
    'ExpireTime' = '@ExpireTime',
    'CustomText' = '@CustomText',
    'CustomTimestamp' = '@CustomTimestamp',
    'CustomWeight' = '@CustomWeight',
    'HighImpactWeight' = '@HighImpactWeight',
    'HighImpactText' = '@HighImpactText',
    'HighCauseWeight' = '@HighCauseWeight',
    'HighCauseText' = '@HighCauseText'
    'CEACorrelationKey' = '@CEACorrelationKey' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'CorrelationKeyAlias' = '@CorrelationKeyAlias'
    CREATE MAPPING CEAPriorityChildren
    'Identifier' = '@Identifier' ON INSERT ONLY,
    'CustomText' = '@CustomText',
    'CustomTimestamp' = '@CustomTimestamp',
    'CustomWeight' = '@CustomWeight',
    'HighImpactWeight' = '@HighImpactWeight',
    'HighImpactText' = '@HighImpactText',
    'HighCauseWeight' = '@HighCauseWeight',
    'HighCauseText' = '@HighCauseText'
  3. On the server that you installed the on-premises aggregation server on, edit the gateway table replication definition file $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.tblrep.def. Append the following replication statements to the file:
    # # CEA Cloud Event Analytics Replication Definition
    REPLICATE ALL FROM TABLE 'master.cea_properties'
    USING map 'CEAProperties';
    REPLICATE ALL FROM TABLE 'master.cea_sitename'
    USING map 'CEASiteName';
    REPLICATE ALL FROM TABLE 'master.cea_ckey'
    USING map 'CEACKey';
    REPLICATE ALL FROM TABLE 'master.cea_ckey_alias_members'
    USING map 'CEACKeyAliasMembers';
    REPLICATE ALL FROM TABLE 'master.cea_priority_children'
    USING map 'CEAPriorityChildren';
  4. Restart the aggregation gateway for the changes to take effect.
    1. Stop the gateway by running the kill command:
      kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep nco_g_objserv_bi | grep .props | awk -F ' ' {'print $2'})
    2. Start the gateway with the following command:
      $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_g_objserv_bi -propsfile $NCHOME/omnibus/etc/AGG_GATE.props &
      For more information, see Running gatewaysexternal link.