Increasing the memory for the Impact server

For the IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact server nciserver, the default memory limit for the pod is 2 GB, whereas the default memory limit for the JVM is 4096 MB. These memory settings are not sufficient for production systems, you must increase these memory limits based upon your deployment size.

To increase the memory for the Netcool/Impact server, use the following steps:

  1. Consider the following factors when increasing the memory size for the JVM:

    • Event flow volume
    • The number of SQL data types and the amount of data in them
    • Internal data types and the size of them
    • The number of event readers and event listeners
    • The number of hibernations

    The pod memory limit should be greater than the JVM limit, approximately 20% larger.

  2. To increase the memory for nciserver, scale the pod down to zero:

    oc scale sts <rel name>-nciserver --replicas=0
  3. Then edit the stateful set and increase the pod memory:

    oc edit sts <rel name>-nciserver

    Look for:

            - resources:
                  cpu: '1'
                  memory: 2Gi

    Change the memory limit from 2GI to the required setting.

  4. Then change the limit for the JVM. This is done in the nciserver-config config map:

    oc edit cm <rel name>-nciserver-config

    Look for:

      impactcore-jvm-options-replace: |

    The Xmx parameter controls the maximum memory heap size.

    Change 4096 to the new required value.

  5. Save the config map and scale nciserver back up:

    oc scale sts <rel name>-nciserver --replicas=<number of