Backing up and restoring Impact on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform

Learn how to back up and restore Impact GUI and server data.


  1. Log in to the nciserver and impactful pods and stop the GUI and Impact servers.

    For the Impact server:

    oc rsh <release_name>-nciserver-0
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/bin

    For the GUI server:

    oc rsh <release_name>-impactgui-0
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/bin
  2. Create a backup of the following directories in the mounted /space directory inside the pod:
    • db
    • dsa
    • dsalib
    • integrations
    • jslib
    • platform
    • policy
    • wslib

    You can do this by logging into the pods and copying the listed directories into the /space directory inside the pod.

    For the Impact server:

    oc rsh <release_name>-nciserver-0
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/bin
    cp -rd db/ /space/db

    For the GUI server:

    oc rsh <release_name>-impactgui-0
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/bin
    cp -rd db/ /space/db
    Note: These directories are persisted by using the /space mount. On a server restart, the directories are copied over the default files.