Output format of Multi Target Automations

Despite being executed on any number of endpoints, the results of Multi Target Automations (MTA) are consolidated into one execution record. This record combines the information from all executions.

The output is formatted as follows:
  • If the script produces output the output is displayed after two prefixes. The first item is the name of the target. The second item is either out or err depending on whether the output was written to stdout or stderr.
  • The log will group the output by target. So the complete output of the first target will be displayed before the output of the second target is displayed and so on. This means the output is not ordered chronologically, although the output by target is.
  • At the end of the output a summary is always present. The summary consists of three additional lines. They follow the pattern $status : [ $listOfTargetsWithThisState ]. Where $status is one of the following: unsuccessful, successful, or failed.
  • If the target array is an empty array, the output will only contain the summary.


An automation has been executed with the target [prod-server1, prod-server2]. The execution on prod-server1 was successful, while the execution on prod-server2 was unsuccessful. The output will look as follows:

prod-server1 out: Some output from the script to stdout happening at 08:34
prod-server1 out: More output from the script to stdout happening at 08:36
prod-server1 out: Script prints more to stdout
prod-server1 status: successful

prod-server2 out: Some output from the script happening at 08:35
prod-server2 out: More output from the script happening at 08:37
prod-server2 err: Script prints output concerning a failure to err
prod-server2 status: unsuccessful

unsuccessful: [prod-server2]
successful: [prod-server1]
failed: []