Network Management data flow

Use this information to understand how event data is retrieved from a monitored application environment and transferred between the products and components of Network Management to provide Topology Search, Network Health Dashboard and Device Dashboard capabilities.

The following figure shows a simplified data flow between the products of Network Management and, where appropriate, on-premises Operations Management.

Figure 1. Simplified data flow
This figure shows the flow of event data from Network Manager, Netcool Configuration Manager and probes to the ObjectServer. The event data is synchronized via the Gateway for JDBC with a database, for example IBM Db2, where it is archived. Then, the historical event data is transferred via the Gateway for Message Bus to the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis product.
Collection of network topology, polling, and configuration data
 1 : Network discovery is run
Based on configurations set-up by network administrators, Network Manager gathers data about the network. The discovery function identifies what entities, for example routers and switches, are on the network and interrogates them, for example, for connectivity information.
 2  Network topology is stored
Network Manager classifies and stores the network topology that was discovered in step  1  in the NCIM topology database.
 3 : Network devices and interfaces are polled
Based on configurations set-up by network administrators, Network Manager polling policies are run to determine whether a network device is up or down, whether it exceeds key performance parameters, and identifies inter-device link faults.
 4 : Changes to device configuration and policy changes are detected
Netcool® Configuration Managerdiscovers whether there are any changes to device configuration or policy violations.
Collection and enrichment of alert data
 5 : Alerts are received from applications and devices
Alert data is captured by probes and forwarded to the ObjectServer.
 6 : Network events are generated if polls fail
Network Manager generates fault alerts if device and interface polls (step  2 ) fail. Network Manager converts the results of the relevant polls into events, and sends these network events to the ObjectServer.
 7 : Network configuration events are generated if device configurations change
Netcool Configuration Manager generates events for the configuration changes and policy violations (referred to from now as network configuration events) that were detected in step  3 . Configuration change and policy violation events are sent via the Probe for SNMP to the ObjectServer.
 8 : Events are enriched with topology data
Network events (generated in step  6 ) and network configuration events (generated in step  7 ) are passed to the Event Gateway, where they are enriched with network topology data. For example, the system location, contact information, and product serial number can be added to the events. The events are returned to the ObjectServer.
When steps  5 - 8    are complete the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer contains the application events from the probes, network events from Network Manager, and the network configuration events from Netcool Configuration Manager.
Visualization of events and topology
 9  Events are visualized and monitored
The Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI displays the application events, network events, and network configuration events that are in the ObjectServer.
 10  Event information is shared
The event information is shared between the Web GUI and the Network Manager GUIs, for example, the Network Views and Hop View.
 11  Network topology is visualized
The Network Manager GUIs display the network topology data that is in the NCIM database. This data is enriched by the configuration change and policy event information from the ObjectServer.
 12  Network configuration events are analyzed
Configuration changes and policy violations are displayed for further analysis in the following GUIs:
  • Network Manager GUIs
  • Web GUI Event Viewer
  • Netcool Configuration Manager Activity Viewer, wizards, and other Netcool Configuration Manager user interfaces
Using the right-click menus, operators can optionally launch-in-context across into Reporting Services, if it is installed. Reporting Services is not shown on this figure.
Topology search data flow
 13  Event data is transferred for indexing to Operations Analytics - Log Analysis
The Gateway for Message Bus sends the event data via an HTTP interface to the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis product where the event data is indexed. The Network Manager Insight® Pack parses the event data into a format suitable for use by Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.
 14  Topology search data is visualized
Topology search results are visualized in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis event dashboards and timelines by performing right-click actions on two nodes in the network between which the analysis is required. This is done in one of the following ways: either select two network nodes in a network map within one of the Network Manager GUIs, or two events in the Web GUI Event Viewer.
Dashboard data flow
 15  Network health information is visualized
In the Network Health Dashboard, selection of a network view enables you to visualize availability summary data, top 10 performance data, and configuration timeline data for the devices in that network view. Data used to populate the Network Health Dashboard is retrieved from the ObjectServer, Network Manager polling databases, and Netcool Configuration Manager.