Configuring the historical event database

Configure access to the Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus historical event database that contains the data used to analyze historical events for Event Analytics. On the historical event database window, you specify the database type, connection details, table name, and timestamp format.

Before you begin

If you have custom fields in your Historical Event database, then before doing this task you must first map the custom field names to the corresponding standard field names in Netcool/Impact by creating a database view, as described in Mapping customized field names. In the appropriate step in the following procedure, you must specify that database view name instead of the Historical Event database reporter_status table name.

You can set up an Oracle database as your historical event database with a custom URL. You can also configure a system identifier (SID) or Service Name in order to connect the database. The SID or Service Name configuration settings are not available in the Event Analytics Configuration wizard. Instead refer to the backend configuration instructions: Configuring Oracle database connection within Netcool/Impact.


  1. Specify the database type used for the historical event database:
    • Db2
    • Oracle
    • MS SQL Server
  2. Enter the connection details for the database in the fields provided.
    Enter the name of the server hosting the database.
    Enter the port number to be used to connect to the server that hosts the database.
    Enter the username for connecting to the database.
    Enter the password for the specified username.
    The remaining fields in this section differ depending on the database type selected in step 1.
    • If you selected a database type of Db2 or MS SQL Server, then complete the following field:
      Database Name
      In the Database Name field enter the name of the database you want to access. For example REPORTER.
    • If you selected a database type of Oracle, then complete the following fields:
      Communication method
      Specify whether to use a custom URL, Oracle SID (alphanumeric system identifier), or Oracle service name.
      Custom URL
      If you set Communication method to Custom URL, then specify the URL in the <hostname>:<port>:<server> format.
      Note: For Real Application Clusters (RAC) servers, see additional information from the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus documentation here: link
      If you set Communication method to SID, then specify the SID.
      Service name
      If you set Communication method to Service name, then specify the service name.
  3. Click Connect to validate your connection to the historical event database.
  4. For the table you want to query, select a Database schema and History table or view from the drop-down lists provided.
    1. The options available under Database schema are based on the username provided to connect to the historical event database.
    2. The options available under History table are based on the selected Database schema.
      Important: If you have custom fields in your Historical Event database, and you created a database view to map these fields, as described in Mapping customized field names, then you must select that database view from the History table drop-down list.
  5. Specify the timestamp field used in the historical event database to store the first occurrence of an event.