Using the Topology dashboard

You can use the Topology dashboard to view, tag, and access your most commonly used 'favorite' services and resource groups.

About this task

The Topology dashboard presents a single view of all defined services and resource groups that have been tagged as favorites. They are displayed as a collection of circles, each displaying an icon (if defined), and surrounded by a color-coded band that indicates the states of all the constituent resources in proportional segments. From here, you can access each service or resource group for further investigation or action.


View 'favorites' on the Topology dashboard

  1. As the admin user, log into your DASH web service, then select Dashboards from the DASH menu.
  2. Select Topology dashboard.
    All services and resource groups that are tagged as 'favorites' are displayed.
  3. View information on the Topology dashboard.
    Option Description
    At a glance If you hover over a specific defined topology, an extended tooltip is displayed listing the number of resources against their states, which is also proportionally represented by the color-coded band.
    More details

    If you click a defined topology, it is displayed in the bottom half of the screen, and the window with the defined topology favorites is moved to the top half of the screen.

    For the displayed topology:
    • The state of each resource or relationship is displayed in color, and you can use the context (right-click) menu to obtain further information.
    • In the upper 'favorites' display window, all defined topologies that intersect with the selected topology remain in focus, while the others are grayed out.
    • If you select a specific resource in your displayed topology, only the displayed favorites that contain the resource remain in focus. You can remove the favorite tag by deselecting the star displayed in the top right corner of the displayed topology.
    • A breakdown of all states for the displayed topology during a historical period is displayed in the Status severity breakdown chart. The bars in the chart are hoverable, displaying additional information, such as the number of relationships added or removed, or the number of property changes. You can adjust (via toggle) the historical period from one hour to seven days.
    • A visualization of the activities of the displayed topology is shown in the Topology activity chart. The activity summarizes changes over time in the status severity, properties or relationships for resources. The lines on the chart are hoverable, displaying additional information, and you can adjust the historical period.
    Open full view If you click Open full view, the selected favorite service or resource group is displayed on the Resource management page (full screen).

Tagging a services or resource group as a favorite

  1. To find additional services and resource groups and tag them as favorites, enter a search term in the Search field, then conduct the search.
    Searching for and viewing defined topologies (or resources) is described in more detail in the Search section of the Topology Viewer reference topic, and in the Using Agile Service Manager topics.
    Remember: Defined topologies are updated automatically when the topology database is updated, and generated dynamically as they are displayed in the Topology Viewer.
    Search results are listed under services and Resource groups tabs, with the number of search results in parentheses. The Search Results page is divided into Favourites and All results sections.
  2. To tag a result as a favorite, select the heart icon next to it; (or deselect it to remove it as a favorite).